Silent here again for another caption game session. Guess what they were saying when this happened! Pic 1: [/URL] Pic 2: [/URL] Pic 3: [/URL]
1: "Lay off the Viagra dude" 2: "Look what I found mommy!" 3: "Uh... Why am I up here? Oh... I was stoned." nice pics
1: is that spossed to be their ?? 3: wait a minute this isnt the toilt for number 2 cont like of any nice pictures
1st: "Haishen kick!" -(Haishen means Kung-fu style, so I've been told) 2nd: "Got 'em! Let's throw him off the cliff." 3rd: "This toilet hurts my @$$..."
1: HIS STOMACHE IS EATING MY SNIPER! 2: Ahh, a freshly picked noob, right from the garden. 3: I knew joining a gang would result in this.
My own trys 1: (thinks he's kicking grunt) take tha... oh shi- SMACK 2: The apocalypse is happening! 3: Come on guys! This isn't cool...
1:" Uh, yes, yes come one." 2: "Noooooo, the hand of death!" 3: "Don't...come on, aww this is so not cool, come back here Timmy!"
1: gimmy back my candy. P.S. YOU stole my caption game JERK. That was my idea. Oh well. I added some tags for you. he he he....
"Im gonna teach you a lesson... in love" "Billymays new spartan redux toys for big kids! Stick em in the washer!" "**** In the Hole" Pretty simple
1) why does every human think my genitalia is there when you can clearly see it on my face 2) go away god this is my gun!!!!! 3) (guy in behind camera) no you stupid dinosaur the basket ball ring is not your **** hole!!
1. Why isn't this working? Oh shi- 2. Lol, doesn't look like I'm holding him? Let's take a picture and see if anyone believes I have a tiny Spartan. 3. AAAAARRRRRRGGGG (Guy in the background: I think he needs a newpaper)
#1: Lol, you're just a big worm at the end of the day. Down you go. #2: Get the **** off my BR you prick! #3: No, the ball goes through the hoop!