Foundry The Dam

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Pandagames org, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. Pandagames org

    Pandagames org Ancient
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    The Dam
    Made By PandaGames Org

    The Dam is a platform in the middle of two dams. One is leaking so half the trench is full of water! Luckily the workers of the dam put some trash in to stop the water from going on. So in other words half the trench is full of water with two piles of trash stopping it. Made for 1v1 and 2v2. Flag is coming. Also FFA doesn't work!

    2 Battle Rifles
    2 Needlers
    1 Plasma Rifle

    2 Deployable covers
    1 Bubble Shield
    1 Trip Mine
    4 Plasma Grenades
    1 Active Camouflage

    Now for pics!

    Over view
    Needler spawn

    BR spawn

    camo spawn

    Bubble Spawn


    Trash witha Trip mine spawn

    One of the leaks!

    Hope you like it!

    Off Topic: The Flood : Replies

  2. MultiLockOn

    MultiLockOn Ancient
    Forge Critic Banned Senior Member

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    Well, it doesnt look too playable other than for FFA small. I'm gonna go for the obvious answer here and say "n33ds moAr It3rl0CK1ng" but you probably alreadu know that. I like the idea you had with it though, its very creatice as well as maintaing an aesthetic feel.
  3. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    k, before i say anything about the map... it's frickin 2550-something, and all the workers could do is pile up shiz and call it a job? a little bit on the 'lack-of-sense' side. even today, we don't do that. either way, throwing the random trash didn't seem to do much at all anyways.

    the map itself... it's got nice merging, but that's about it. you put together a nice platform in the middle, and then you kinda.. just lost it. 2.5/5

    either way hi, welcome to forgehub. this comment may seem harsh, but welcome to constructive criticism sucka.
  4. majorsh0ck

    majorsh0ck Ancient
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    i like the idea of the dam, but there is really nothing that catches my eye on this one 2/3
    #4 majorsh0ck, Mar 18, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2009
  5. Pandagames org

    Pandagames org Ancient
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    I ran out of BOTH types of boxes so I had no where to go. Also about the trash. Ran out of shield doors and... well... ya.
  6. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    well, just because you ran out of boxes doesn't mean you can't take 'drastic measures'. by the way it seems, you have plenty of walls. use them to your advantage... unless... you ran out of that, too... or your budget is screwed...
  7. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Agreed, most objects on forge can be subsituted for. You could have easily used walls to replace the boxes.

    Map wise, it's not very aesthetically made, you definetly could have tested this map to see how gameplay is because it looks really wonky to me. These kinds of maps have been done before, the trick is to make them unique. 2/5 for me.

    Senior Member

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    Tilting a double box on its side and putting a bridge on it upside down pretty much makes it level with a double box. Theres your replacement! Also I suggest re-doing the floor. All it was through gameplay was bump bump and my grenades were always falling into random crack. Please make a V2 where the floor is interlocked.

    Don't worry, you will improve over time!
  9. Pandagames org

    Pandagames org Ancient
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    V2 has updated camo spawn (the way in is smaller), another Plasma Rifle on the other side of the old one, and singe boxes instead of trash! I found 2 i didn't need. Also about the floor h'm working on that now. o ya flag will work to!

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