Template Banner by Hari Welcome to my contest that has many twists and turns in it,you see that every round there is something different,and this round's theme will be a Template Contest where the user must make a map out of the section or portion I give whom.Now the goal of this is to win right,well for round one the winner will be given a chance to get their map featured(that is if it is a really awsome map.)So here are the rules that must be followed at all times when making the map. Rules: 1)User or creator must not delete anything on the map or mess with the objects. 2)You may delete or mess with objects from the budget glitch. 3)You may not move anything on the template map what so ever. That is it.Here are the pictures of what I have for you guys to make your creations on. Try your best forgers and ohh the runner up gets a custom made signature.Their request if they want.May the best forger win. Map
The Template isn't symmetrical when it should be symmetrical. It all uneven. Well, are there any prizes?
Also, in addition to what phil said, you didn't post the due date for the map, nor did you geomerge the template part into the wall, or at least from what I can see. I would recommend doing that so people will feel that they have at least a very well made template before beginning their maps. It doesn't have to be a far geomerge, just one that will stop all of those pesky grenade screw-ups and possible path errors. Oh, and the map is off center. People will feel that they won't be able to make good symmetrical maps because distances between key points on the map will be different. To sum up what everyone else is going to say, redo the template before you restart the contest. Also, I don't believe you have the authority to promise someone's map a feature, so don't go blatantly saying that the winning map will indeed be featured. However, the template should be pretty fun to work off of, gameplay-wise. One final thing: so that nobody rants about bad design, follow this link. Then proceed to make your side stairs into double wall ramps. This will help with flow. In my opinion, the stairs that form a walkway between the boxes can stay.
Like everyone has been saying, if you're going to make a template contest, give us something really good to start off of. I don't want to do the contest if part of my map isn't going to be good because of what's been given. It is not symmetrical. You didn't even make the uppermost boxes facing the same direction.
Could we just give this guy a round of applause or mod? Wow man, nice post. I'd have to say that this is a sad imitation of what you saw on the front page of this site when you joined. Nothing about your post was even remotely professional. Even the text was in an unreadable color for those on oldschool. You did not think ahead about all the steps to be taken when holding a contest. Plus, a contest involves a prize, which all you did was promise a feature. I'm going to just clarify for everyone in this thread that this guy DOES NOT have ANY RIGHT to promise a feature if you win this poorly made contest. I can't even fathom why you would say something like that.
Zander, thank you for the comment. However, could someone tell me how to end hyperlink text or change it to say "this link" or something? I inadvertently made the latter part of my above post part of the hyperlink, and I wish to undo that error. Can anyone help me with this? Also, I would like to remake the template for you Snipe, so that people will feel like they have a very good template to work from. I will keep all of the general elements, only I will center it, change stairs to double walls, geo, etc. If you give me your permission, I should be able to have the template finished by the end of the upcoming weekend. Thanks in advance.
If you are going to do a template type contest then everything has to be absolutely perfect. As has been said before you need to slide the central structure to the center for symmetrical gameplay. Also the double boxes need to be merged in to avoid grenades getting thrown behind it. When I said the template needs to be perfect i meant it. Try to merge those boxes down so that grenades don't go under, as well as merge the stairs down to the right height. This is nothing the community hasn't seen before and you might want to mix it up. Try theming the contest or something. I might run a contest for Microsoft points so hope you like the competition. XD