this map started as a maze of sorts but i realized that i would not have enough walls so i made it into a 4 way symmetrical map but i kept some of the maze elements i know there are a lot of cracks in the walls but when my friends were trying the map out they said they liked them and people are supposed to be able to get on top of the maze DEATH MAZE Around the map Note these pictures only make up one quadrant but all 4 quads are the same this map still need testing as well
It looks like a somewhat fun maze but why let the people get on top. That seems to defeat the purpose of a maze if you can cheat out. Also, what game types does it support. It seems like it is set up for normal slayer but what about infection. Normally maze maps also include an infection variant of some sort. Overall, I think the map is ok but I would try to improve certain areas of the map. I am going to download this thow.
I like the idea for this map some of the walls are crooked from what I can see and with it being a maze and all the shotgun would might be a camping problem I would raise the walls up or put something so you cant get on top of them. 3/5
i liked being able to get on top of the walls it adds a different view for the game makes you watch high and low. it supports all game types except territories. i think it will work best for neutral game types. i cant add anymore walls on top because 1.reached object limit 2. only have 20 single walls left and that's it i'm out of corner's and double walls i have a few t's left but i don't use them often. the shotgun isn't as big of a problem as it seems as there are 2 swords and 2 fuelrods 2 tripmines a few AR's a few BR's and the hallways are longer than they seem. also the shot gun only has a total of 12 shots etween the two in the middle witch is like that so all four sides have equal chance at getting there at the same time and so i can place the neutral flag spawn and neutral bomb spawn in the middle i know some walls are crooked but im working on that i just wanted to see what people think of this map. does it seem like there are little barriers around object so you can't place them together or is it just me?
OK you obviously need to learn how to take constuctive criticism. If you can't make higher walls, give it a roof. You can make roofs out of almost anything. I also find it hard to beleive you reached the item limit. Also 12 shots=12 kills... that can definitely change a game. You really could have done a better job on this map though. All of the fighting goes on on one floor. It seems like the game would get very boring and repetitive because the whole map is very similar. All there is is a whole bunch of tight corners and long hallways. There's no variation in elevation or scenery. I would recomment planning out your maps on paper or Google Sketchup and try to make your maps original.
The whole point on making a map is to have a point to it like what explore the gore said. And make a goal to it, like a game where if you make it to the center, you win it for your team. Or a race to get out of the cripted.
i was pointing out why i did things the way i did and a roof would kill half the fun of throwing a trip mine over the wall and hoping you enemies don't see it. My goal was to have a map that both sides have the same chance at different things, you never know what way the opponent will come from above or below. and unoriginal? (why make original maps when you can make fun maps to play on) i have never played an actual slayer map that's a maze there infection maps but this is supposed to be an actual battle map you have to play it to get why i did some of the things i did. and a lot of fighting can go on on top of the walls and its fun fighting cause if your winning you want to focus on keeping your balance where as if your losing you might want to fall off or rejoice as your enemies falls off the wall with lack of balance. as for the object limit check it out on forge, i wanted to place more grenades thought the level but i couldn't also the sentinel beams are really good in this map (2 at each teams base) again just saying why i did stuff and trying to show how i counter that
Hey man great job on this, you obviously put a lot of sweat over lining up all the walls and it comes out to be a great looking maze, I'll give this a download and to all the people giving you a hard time, they're just jealous! I'm a veteran forger and still have the balls to compliment someone; and mean it. It seems all them hardcore forgers take every aspect too seriously and just can't enjoy a map for what it is...