Description: Hello every one This is a king of the hill map its lots fun and uneak . The way you play it is you will spawn on a small base with a man cannon in front of you it shoots you to the floating arena were the hill is. Every one has a grav ham and is invincible once you land on the arena you try to smack your foes off and get time on the hill now every one that died respawns in 2 seconds and goes up the man cannons again once some one gets 25 points a new round starts. Map name: Pit Of Doom Players: 8 player ffa no more than that. Have fun let me know what you think thank you for your time. Rounds: 5 total who ever get the most hill time in all the rounds wins. Game type: king of the pit Starting Weapon: Grav ham Weapon List: Golf club x8 If I have broken any rules let me know im new to the site. Thank you for your time. map: Halo 3 File Details Game: Halo 3 File Details pic 1: pic 2: pic 3: pic 4: pic 5: pic 6: pic 7:
this looks like it only took you a couple minuets to make. it looks kinda fun i guess... it needs some more ascenthics however you spell that
Looks like a fun game that could be played during intense halo playing. Good job, all the mancannons work perfectly. Look for to more of your maps.
Well it took me like an hour to make and iv been thinking of adding red and blue lights and also write on the ground ha ha you died but the thing is people already started downloading my map and if i do it now it will change the date to like now and people would try to clam my map and it would show that they had the map for a week so i just didnt want to deal with that
Thank you im glade you liked it im actually making a foundation remake write now it going to have all jumps hiding spots its going to be perfect iv been working on it for 4 weeks now
V2 much? You could always make a second version. Anyway, it looks pretty fun. Pretty replayable. I quite like the look of it, Good job. It looks like an original idea, so 7/10.
im glade you like it and ya all my friends laughed at golf club to when they played on it for the first time and ya it has lots of action and even crazy when u play with 8 people
Looks okay. This reminds me of some map that was on Bungie Favorites about a month ago. It was on Foundry and their was basically a pit of death on it and it wat a KotH gametype too. One thing you might want to change is the size of the main platform. It is a little small. You easily get knocked off the edges by peoples Golf Clubs, unless that is what you want.