Foundry 2fort

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by prentiscool, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. prentiscool

    prentiscool Ancient
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    2fort is a foundry objective map with two forts in the back hallways of foundry. It takes up the whole map, and its really great for CTF. Its mainly for a small party around 4-8 players. It dosn't require a gametipe so be happy for the extra space. ​
    Pictures ​

    One of the forts.​


    The other fort (looks the same)

    One of the sniper towers that I decided to put in each corner. (other looks the same)​


    The area outside one of the forts. ​


    The other area outside the other fort.​


    A little box in the border of the map. (just did it for fun)

    What one of the forts look like from te inside.

    And now, for the main event, cue THE ACTION SCREENSHOTS!!​

    An early warthhog rush at the start of the game ​


    A sniper battle across the map from the sniper towers. I win :)

    Me as an epic​


    Halo 3 File Details

    This is my first post on and I hope to make more maps soon. ​
    #1 prentiscool, Mar 18, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2009
  2. Death Height

    Death Height Ancient
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    majorshock's message=spam; just ignore his comment.
    the map itself is an ok setup. i would suggest flipping over all the boxes and bridges for smoother walkways. why are there teleporters against the barriers? they dont need to be there, unless there is a reason for them, then sorry. if you want your maps to have more views and dl's, id suggest forge 101 for geomerging and that jazz.
    anyways, im givin it a 3/5. not exactly the best it could be, though it was a good try. and welcome to forgehub!
  3. blahinator180

    blahinator180 Ancient
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    yeah dude u need to be nicer in your comments, how would you feel if some told you your first map sucked with out saying why or how.. preatty shitty huh?

    as for the map i actually liked it i mean it doesnt have any of the interloxing and such and the concept of a certer divider and two bases is way over used, but it actually gave me a good idea for a map
  4. majorsh0ck

    majorsh0ck Ancient
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    sorry but it is not really amazing he needs more things to fill up the space and more creative ideas like some thing that connects to the sniper tower and a bridge to the center

    ps spell words right [every one]
    #4 majorsh0ck, Mar 18, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2009
  5. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    You may spell "right" (don't you mean correctly?) but your grammar is absolute ****. And you don't need to come onto this site as a newcomer and flame at everyone. Seriously, go to another site to be a ****.

    But for the map, the layout has been done before, not very original. Also, try doing some interlocking and adding more to the entire map, not just the bases and middle wall. Now for the post, it would help to have a weapon list or something similar to add in more info for the community.

    I'll give the map a 3/5 for good effort and Welcome to FH
  6. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    ok... let's see you make a better map. and why are you criticizing people for their spelling? its common, humans make mistakes. sorry, i forgot you are god. and plus, you probably spell-check your comments.

    ANYWAYS. onto the map, i don't believe it's the greatest, but i am not the asshole that would use straight down criticism.

    starting off, the map looks okay. there is no floating or merging that i can see, but that is common for your first post. i am also assuming this is one of your first maps [it seems]. i do think, for the good of yourself, the quality of your maps, and less criticism, that you should look at a tutorial on floating and merging.
  7. Yeti

    Yeti Ancient
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    Aww, I was expecting a remake of the classic map from Team Fortress 2. :(

    So, that leads me to this question: Why did you decide to name this map after 2Fort on TF2, but make it look nothing like it?
  8. Jay Rockn Weezy

    Jay Rockn Weezy Ancient
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    Let me start by saying, it's not the best map i'v seen but it's got some talent. Auctually there's nothing wrong with it. I know people are saying fill up the empty space, but then there's no room for the warthog to drive. I would suggest these gametypes, Multi Flag, Team Slayer, Territories and Assualt. (4vs4 or 5vs5) I would add floors in the sky, this makes it so there is a battle on the ground and on the sky, This can also be use like when a teamate is going to die, and he's on the floor, and you on the sky, just jump down and save him. And would you mind telling us the weapon placement for every map you make. That will be easier for people to review your map.
  9. pablomeister

    pablomeister Ancient
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    welcome to forgehub! lol idk if i should be saying that...ive never posted a map. anyways nice first post, maybe a little interlocking and smoothen out the boxes by flipping them over.
  10. prentiscool

    prentiscool Ancient
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    ive seen all the comets and seen that this map needs a V2. also I will soon remake this, but not at the time, im still locking at it(I SPELLED IT WRONG MAJOR SHOCK SUE ME :) ) also in due time I will make another map. I just need some time to think. thank you all for your kindness.
  11. J dot Rizzle

    J dot Rizzle Ancient
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    I like the simplicity and symmetry of this map, must be a good laugh!


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