New & Improved Bridge

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by GT: Old Rumple, Mar 18, 2009.

  1. GT: Old Rumple

    GT: Old Rumple Ancient
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    This bridge idea is really helpful and may have been seen before but i just thought of it not long ago.My friend was workin on a map of his and him and i were workin on the moat, well i was workin on the moat. Once we were finished the moat he said we need a bridge to get across so that is exactly what he did was put a bridge. I said cmon now jake we cant just make it that simple it needs to be more complex and fun.So I came up with this idea and made a switch map for it so here it is.

    Spawn point and sort of an overview from the destination.

    First you have to pick up the custom power up

    Then the bridge starts to suspend across the gap whitch, by the way you can't jump across

    Then once the bridge is fully suspended you can walk across

    Now you are at your destination and you can go places

    This is very useful because you dont have to use all those recievers and you dont have to worry about walls. The bridge is perfectly sturdy and if someone wants to know how to make in more detail than send a friend request to Old Rumple but hurry my friends list is runnin full.
    So thank you guys and here is the DL
    Halo 3 File Details
    Also if you guys have any ideas for makin maps than msg me on live or reply on this thread because ill do almost anything.Thanks again guys and have fun forgin it up.Peace.
    #1 GT: Old Rumple, Mar 18, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2009
  2. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    pics aren't working, go to find your gamertag click on the pic(s) you want then copy and paste the BB code for each of them. By the way didn't you post a map like 5 minutes ago?

    EDIT: You got the pictures fixed. I really like this Idea. I downloaded good job 5/5.

    Oh and I know how to do it I figured it out in the first pic.
    #2 HLG FlashPoint, Mar 18, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2009
  3. Jsten419

    Jsten419 Ancient
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    He definitely did just post five minutes ago. Does this count as a double post? =D
  4. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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  5. GT: Old Rumple

    GT: Old Rumple Ancient
    Senior Member

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    SRY bout that guys its just that i forgot the haloscreenshots thing so i had to use bungie but thanks for tellin me me the link for the site i fixed them
  6. Jsten419

    Jsten419 Ancient
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    Not a bad bridge now that you've got pictures up and running. Is that last picture a shot of the bridge without walls?
  7. GT: Old Rumple

    GT: Old Rumple Ancient
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    no actually its the destination area where you would get off but its only the bridge its not like a whole map but this can be used in infection and is really good.The bridge is good because like i said there is no recievers or anything and the bridge doesnt go all crazy when its suspended.
  8. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Taking the conveyor belt idea and turning it into a bridge?! Genious. This would be perfect for so many infection games. People shooting at the zombies and the bridge to prevent them from reaching the other side. There are so many applications for this switch. Very well done.
  9. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    Very nice way to implement a button but maybe there are more effective methods?
    A good addition to the draw bridge, and nice small bridge. I personally believe it's better because you can destroy it.
    I could use this, thank you very much.
    Although you did technically double post map threads, we may have to infract you.
  10. FryTheSly

    FryTheSly Ancient
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    Post a video tutorial on youtube or somethin cuz i would reallly like to know how to make this kind of bridge. this bridge idea is tightt. i suggest you make some maps with this incorporated into it
  11. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    i must say, it's very creative. but how exactly do you create the moving bridge w/o walls and teleporters? i know how to do the whole switch thing, but i have never seen anything like this before.

    i'd like to add you on live and find out, but my 360 ethernet connection isn't working... damn cheap cable from walmart..
  12. GT: Old Rumple

    GT: Old Rumple Ancient
    Senior Member

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    SRY bout the double post thing its just that i didnt really kno and i couldnt wait to post my bridge. and by the way what does infract mean

    Hey man wuts ur GT ill add you so just tell me it and ill you in like 10 mins k thnx

    whenver your internet gets up and runnin ill show you how to do the whole thing wit my map. id be happy to help you out.

    just add me on live and ill find the time to show you how to create the whole thing aight darksoul cuz i dont have a capture card and i kno sum1 that does but he dont have halo 3.
    #12 GT: Old Rumple, Mar 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 18, 2009
  13. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    yeah, my gt is toasted kittuns, same as here. but i'm not sure if i could add you, i have 100 good friends. plus the cheap ethernet cable broke -_-
  14. OrangE BloB

    OrangE BloB Ancient
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    Well, infraction is basically warnings, or strikes is another term, a certain number of o=infractions get you a certain level of warnings, eventually you can get banned temporarily or permanently. There is a post about this, here is the thread:

    Oh, and by the way. You got the infraction cos you double posted... oh and wait a minute, you just double posted AGAIN! OH! and another post, that's a triple post. You're gaining infractions really fast. See that button underneath your comments, it says edit... guess what it's used for? EDITING, so then you don't get infractions from double posting or triple posting. This is the way that you learn. But you don't seem to understand this yet...
    1. Don't double post
    2. Don't triple post
    3. don't use harsh language
    Here's a link to the thread on double posting:

    and here's a link to Forgehub's rules:
    (and up the top of the page it says: "IMPORTANT, READ BEFORE POSTING"
    wander what that means?)

    see that button up the top of the page saying "RULES" guess what it means. Rules. You should have read the rules before you even posted on Forgehub, it's just common sense. Just be careful the next time you post, i don't want you to get any more infractions.

    (and in no way is this meant to cause you offense, all words in capitol are just to emphasize the importance)

    Have a great day :)

    #14 OrangE BloB, Mar 18, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2009
  15. GT: Old Rumple

    GT: Old Rumple Ancient
    Senior Member

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    hey darksoul you should add me on live and ill find the time to show you how i made it aight. My GT is Old Rumple and if you could tell me yours i would kno its you so if you wanna do that than you can aight.
  16. pablomeister

    pablomeister Ancient
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    wow it has been done before but i like how this one seems neater than all the other ones. ill dl and maybe use it if its okay with you.
  17. Goatnuts

    Goatnuts Ancient
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    This has already been made by me and one of my friends, he actually made an infection map with it and posted it here although I cannot find the thread. The one he made in his map was a bit cleaner than this one.
  18. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    I like it. It's not the most original idea, but it is fantastically executed. It could be implemented into a map really well, too.
    So great job, 9/10.
  19. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    It is kinda like Pallet Parade and also Draw Bridges and stuff has already been done. Usually you want a switch to be innovative and new so try to come up with new switch technology instead of just making another replica of an original idea
  20. oDannyKellyo

    oDannyKellyo Ancient
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    This has already been done i think the map was Space 912 or something

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