"After Watchmen...What's Next?" I'm hoping Transmet, but who knows. Just downloaded this, second scan of the day (Wednesday which is the day comics are released). Haven't opened it yet because I spazzed when I saw the cover. Who knows what's inside! Edit: Ah ****, it's just a two page ad flyer. **** you, Steam (the scanner)! Couldn't you have added a label to it or something Edit: Oh wait, he did. It says 'cover only' in the file name
What's this about? I haven't seen Watchmen and I don't know what it's about. Does this mean a comic series?
LOL. A comic series AFTER the Watchmen movie? Wow, you obviously don't know anything about Watchmen... BUT THIS IS NOT ABOUT WATCHMEN. IT IS ABOUT SPIDER JERUSALEM!
I really don't know anything about watchmen. It just seems to be a homage to Marvel and DC films. Should I be ashamed that I don't know anything about it?
Like FishFingers, I don't know anything about Watchmen either. Everyone (in both real life and Xbox Live,) is talking about it, but I really don't know what all the fuss is. It's just a superhero movie, right?