this is my infinate money glitch map on sandbox under view side veiw second side veiw if you want to make an fx have an idea of what fx you want and spwan it on 180 no when you start building the map Halo 3 File Details please dl and put in share
Good to have, thanks. I've been waiting for one of these since i got Sandbox. (I'm too lazy to make my own)
yea i had to think a lil to decide to put fx in at 180 no or leave it i decided leave it and lety you do your own
I have one that's ultimate budget glitched (no items placed on map, but still infinite budget), but can't be bothered to post it Nice work though!
How did you get this to work any ways. just wondering. If you have any tips for me on how to forge just message me man. I was just wondering how long it took to do this any ways.
What are you guys on about with this map going to aesthetics? I think this would make a fine infection game.