Foundry The Courtyard

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Shenanigans.nom, Mar 18, 2009.

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  1. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    Alright I am a complete noob on posting so tell me if I get anything wrong. This is my first map that i have posted but not the first i have built. I'm a little new to geomerging and tried to do some in this.

    What I wanted to do with this map is make a symmetrical objective maps with a massive kill zone in the center. All 3 power weapons spawn in the center and can only be accessed by going out into the open. I also tried to make it so that the flag or bomb carrier didn't have much cover so the teams must work together to prevail.This is only meant for Assault (any type), CTF (any type), VIP, or team slayer. I tried FFA and the spawns don't work well with it.

    This is a picture of the courtyard. This is where most of the killing takes place.

    This is a picture of the bases (power drain spawns in front and stickies and an SMG can be found inside.

    This is a picture of the central alley way. One of the ways to the opposite base.

    This is a picture of the back, up the stairs is the sniper perch (where sniper spawns)

    This is a picture of the spawn area. (it differs for each game type, but most are in this general area)

    This is the back hallway where overshield spawns.

    This is the ghost spawn and shotgun spawn in the middle of the courtyard.

    This is a front view of the sniper town from the courtyard. Sniper spawns up top and rockets spawn down below. (Neutral bomb also pawns there.)

    Hope you like it.
    If you have any issues with the spawns or anything PM me. I haven't seen any but it has only been tested twice.

    Download Courtyard
    #1 Shenanigans.nom, Mar 18, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2009
  2. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    I like the map, It is cleanly interlocked. It looks as though it has that urban feel to it. It looks as though it would be alot of fun. I am going to download this ( once i get space ). I recommend trying to use less dumpsters becuz it slows down gameplay. Good job for first map 4.3/5
  3. Ph0enix195

    Ph0enix195 Ancient
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    Nice map.
    I'll download it now :) I'd give this map a 4/5

    But what's the point of the ghost? Theres like no where to drive around.
  4. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    this is a great map for your first post. it looks pretty clean, with some stuff that i haven't seen in a while. for example, the geomerged fence box, the pathway leading straight through the middle [many people make tunnels a secret or other stuff that i find annoying as hell], using corner walls that arent merged to something else [which is simple and good], and the overshield i the back tunnel. i think that part would play like the pit [if 2 people would come running for it at the same time].

    overall, nice map, 4/5
  5. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    May I suggest removing the Ghost? It looks like the map is fairly small, with not a lot of room to manuever. The map, however, looks amazing. Great layout, and great. Great layout and great interlocking. The geomerging is great too. It feels like an urban map. Great job. 8/10.
  6. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    Yes ok, the ghost was a little over kill but i wanted to add something extra.
    You can get through the open boxes on the sides and get into the back but i see what you are all saying. I was thinking maybe a V2 where there is a hole in the middle of the wall for the ghost to get through.(think that could work?)

    And TheShadows, the reason for the dumpsters is so that it will be harder for everyone to get places. I want it so it takes a bit to get the sniper, you have to have skill to get it.

    So I'm trying to figure out what to do with the area that the ghost is in... Any suggestions?
    #6 Shenanigans.nom, Mar 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2009

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    Bumping is bad. Mmmm k.

    Also I think you should playtest a version of your map without the ghost. Then try it again with it and see which variant played better overall. But the ghost seems pointless, and diverts attention away from the rest of the map because of how overpowered they can be. (Think chopper on Sandbox with no rockets or missile pod.) Just test it, it's the best way to find out whether it should stay or go.
  8. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    Yeah, sorry for the bump and the double post.
    I did playtest the map without the ghost with a couple of friends, and honestly there really isn't too much of a difference. Most people don't even bother going for it, and if they do, they're soon blown to hell by rockets. I think that I'm going to definitely remove it, but I just don't know what to do with the space that it had formerly filled. I was thinking perhaps active camo on a platform that you have to use a grav lift to get up to. I'll post some screenies later.

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    Remember to also playtest that also, testing can help you decide what makes or breaks your map. Also, I was looking more closely at the pictures and you have got some real talent. I hope to see more from you!
  10. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
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  11. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    I looked at the sketch up, (thanks for the ideas) and it looks like it could be done and would turn out very nice.

    But I'm curious on why you think that I should get rid of the bases I have in picture 2,with out them i would be too empty there and the flag would be too easily obtainable.
  12. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
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    No problem, glad I could help a little! I left out the bases you mentioned, as well as the back areas near overshield, because they seemed fine as they were, or else I couldn't think of anything off the top of my head to alter. So I didn't model them up just to save time and make the filesize slightly smaller.

    You might find you make slight changes yourself, as my alterations free you up about a single box width at the back wall so you can perhaps make that area less constricted and more naturally flowing. The middle of picture 4 is a good example of this, it's a tad cramped imo.
  13. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    Alright, I wanted to make the middle a death trap to all who get there so i put in the dumpsters as an obstacle to overcome so it would be harder to get to the sniper. But i see what you are saying with it being cramped. That was just how it turned out. If I do eliminate that what should i put in. I can't really get an i idea of what because i had no money left over when i finished, so i don't know what to put in.
  14. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Wow, you can't call yourself a noob with a map and post like that. Although the map has a few visible rough edges (e.g. in pic 4, the stairs slope down a bit), but the way you geomerged all of the double boxes shows that you spent lots of time on this map. I don't know about the Ghost, maybe not the best idea, but it could work.

    I'm going to submit this map to SargeantSarcasm's TGIF playlist, if that's okay with you, because I think that a few newer maps from newer members need more recognition. Unfortunately, some poeple judge a map post by the rank of the poster. We can turn that around.
  15. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I think the key sometimes is to take things away rather than getting stuck in the thinking that you have to constantly add things to improve. This case is a perfect example - free up a little space (which you should have now), make it easy and smooth (fewer jumps, more ramps) to get up there to snipe, because people will just get frustrated with cramped vertical short jumps in the middle of a game - and then remove all the cover from the tower and the route leading up to it (as you can see I have no cover in these places in my sketchup model). This allows players to move about freely and make fluid choices in-game, but doesn't overly reward them for gaining control of powerful areas of the map. The snipe tower should be exposed to BR fire so your team is required to maintain control of other parts of the map in order for you to continue to exert your dominance over that contentious spot.

    These are the sort of things you need to consider for every area of your map. Try to imagine the situation from every likely player perspective, and make changes that balance the map to favour player skill, communication and awareness.

    Another spot you might want to look at are the top platforms in picture #1. They're almost impossible to flush out with grenades unless you're right at the back of the opposing teams base (unlikely, unless you're running flag, in which case those platforms make pulling it very difficult), and the corner walls provide lots of cover for anyone hiding up there. This is OK, because they're primarily a defensive position, but when you get round to testing sessions you might want to look out for any problems in that area.
  16. Jay Rockn Weezy

    Jay Rockn Weezy Ancient
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    This is a great map. Good job. Nice geomerging. 5/5 By the way welcome to Forge Hub
  17. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    I worked on it a bit today and i put in an easier route to the sniper tower, took out the cover, and put the idea you had for a way up to the center walkway in you sketch up. It replaced the fence walls. I also took out the ghost and put in a fence box geomerged the same way you had it in the sketch up.

    Thanks again for the ideas there great!
  18. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    I really like this it has some awsome structures and an excellent layout... very nice Ill really have to try the gameplay. ONe thing is that the power weapons are to closetry to mix it up a bit. Keep forgeing.
  19. Shock Theta

    Shock Theta Father of 4chub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    No problem! Looking forward to the updated version. I'll try to give you some more feedback when it's up.
  20. messaqe from

    messaqe from Ancient
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    nice map shenanigans,loved play testing it with you. looking forward to v2 very much.
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