Cathedral is a huge structure with a purpose. CTF, other games are fun too. Cathedral pics Top Front Outside Alter Bottom level Cathedral map Halo 3 File Details Cathedral CTF
you need pics... or you will die. you have 24 hours.
Dude man if you want pics go to and type in your gamertag your pics will be there and you just copy and paste and full size. Trust me it worrks alot and saves time.
Welcome to Forgehub! Your pics are not working and must be embedded. Please refer to this link to guide you on how to embed screenshots: Please refer to this thread for a good thread template: (and why did you vote your own post 5/5, no one likes it when someone does that) ~Orange~
Come on dude... This is getting WAY outa hand. Toooo many new people are now posting nice sounding sandbox maps. But have no knowledge of what needs to be in their posts. Pictures, a nice, juicy description, weapons list, etc. Before you get banned, please read the rules on map posting. Rated Dirty
No, you just put the links to the images... you're supposed to actually have at least 1 image in the post. Here's what you should do: - Go to - Enter your Gamertag in the form in the upper right-hand corner - Wait for your screens to appear, and once they do, right click on the images you want, and copy the URL - Come back here, edit your post, and add the url to the screenshots in your post with the tags **NO SPACES** - Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you get the screens you want There you go, hope that helps.
Sometimes people actually take time on their post and their maps, and when they finally get ready to post, they only are on the front page for like 2 hrs. because of these non-sence posts. Seriously, put some time into it and figure it out.
Well, from the pictures (I could care less about having to click on a link, unlike everyone here), it looks to be a pretty decent map aesthetically, and possibly gameplay-wise as well. You might consider adding a weapon list so we can judge how the gameplay would be. Still, though, please put embedded pictures up from Otherwise, this thread will keep on filling with spam from stupid members who don't know when someone gets the point.
OK, it seems to be very well made, but you should consider to post it on the ascetic or casual subforum, not competitive. Also take the killball out (if it doesnt actually kill anyone), because it does a very anoying sound. If you want the map to be really competitive, add more objects in the map, outside the cathedral (and maybe even inside). More pics from the inside would be nice. btw, please put a list of all weapons, equipments and power ups (if any).
Thread does not follow forum rules. Please repost once you have thoroughly read and understood our posting standards in the PM I've sent your way.