Debate Profanity, Yes or no?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by skaterdude770, Feb 11, 2009.

  1. The Number 0000

    The Number 0000 Ancient
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    You took the words right out of my mouth.
    Profanity to me is just a way of expressing yourself, just in a different kind of way. Personally I think that if you are trying to insult someone i.e Bastard, *****, *****..etc. This profanity is the kind that shouldn't be used, but if you are exclaiming yourself then I believe that swearing is permittable.
  2. Undead Fanatic

    Undead Fanatic Ancient
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    I think if you put no value on what your saying, you should be able to say whatever you want, I do it all the time and don't get **** for it.

    You can use it for expressing things as long as there not offensive without justification.
  3. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Jurisdiction was a bad choice to describe this situation, I apologize. But rather, we can't say "I want to kill the president", or even another citizen, for that is a threat.
    Scream **** right beside a police officer and come back with the details. Proof of what? That you can't say profound words in Public? I'm surprised you think you can. You backed yours up with a court case in the 1970s. Needless to say times change.
  4. skaterdude770

    skaterdude770 Ancient
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    At least I have backed mine up. Where is your proof? Can you explain to me exactly what has changed involving freedom of speech since the 1970s? Sure there have been technological advances but prove to me the way we talk has changed since then.
  5. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    For the second time, please stop saying that. It makes you look delinquent, and when all theory fails you say 'Well you didn't do it".

    The Vietnam peace bracelet is irrelevant to the debating topic. We are not talking about symbolization, but rather profanity crossing with freedom of speech.

    Here is the link to freedom of speech. Scroll down to 'Limitations'.

    Freedom of speech - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Edit: Here is a better link explaining that profanity in public is illegal.
  6. XxSpix

    XxSpix Ancient
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    The world is becoming to f!cking(haha bad pun) censored nowadays. Are we going to have to hold a censor bar over our faces anytime we cuss?
    A word is a word, and therefore should be used like any other word to prevent negligence of said words. (We have to care about EVERYTHING'S feelings now!)
    Yeah, it's one thing to say, "****, I just spilled boiling hot coffee in my lap, soaking my phone and all other personal belongings."
    But it's another to walk up so someone and go, "Sup motherfucka ***** (etc.)." and ramblings like that.

    Cursing is a way of enhancing your sentence to fit the mood you're in, personally.
  7. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    That sucks dude, our bus driver let's us get away with saying anything. But if he finds any garbage on his bus, he yells at us for quite a long time. I hear the words "****", and "*****." At least 1,000,000 times in the 5 minutes I am on that bus. Funny thing is that I'm friends with the two people who say these things. It's a very interesting bus ride home.

    Though we had learned about The Freedom of Speech and all that. The school's have there own rules to. Otherwise you would hear swearing happening all the time during class, and even in public.
  8. Hari

    Hari Ancient
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    Hell yes for swearing. I know the english language and i intend to use it to its full extent. Swears are just another way to express a feeling and if you dont say them, its like hiding the way you feel. No, i will express myself however i see fit to.
  9. Bootsie 22

    Bootsie 22 Ancient
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    I agree, though I don't swear myself, I think its hilarious to listen to.
  10. abandoned heretic

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    my oppinion is why are profane words different than anyother word if anyone can give me a reason hat actually makes profane words offensive or answer my question ill say there offensive but there is no reason why there offensive they just are theres no logic to it yet everywhere theres something you can say that will offend almost everyone there
  11. supertoaster

    supertoaster Ancient
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    "Sentence enhancers" is what there called, i believe.
  12. Rayne379

    Rayne379 Ancient
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    I personally don't swear, but I think it's stupid when people make a big deal over swear words, because they are just words.
  13. waterflame

    waterflame Ancient
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    man that suck but at my school their this chick that super smart but a teacher pet and i told her i dont like her lol yea and i got a detion so i agree with klick258 that it can be good and bad in ways but some adults find it desrecpectful so i just take the punsichment and watch your mouth but some word that i guess arnt consided swear word are just as bad like ***** my friend a got to weeks of detions for saying that
  14. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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    skaterdude repeatedly references Tinker vs De Moines, but fails to recognize that by agreeing to attend public school, you sign a contract (beginning-of-school-year fill-out forms) stating that during school hours, your school is your legal guardian. In the same way as parents, they are allowed to censor you, until the age of 16 (for parents it's 18). Then you can make a decision if you want to attend school or not.

    I'll side with Playa on this one. You should just accept your short term punishment.
  15. Tex

    Tex Ancient
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    One of the reasons I wound up dropping out of high school is profanity, in a weird way. I was overly-rebellious and would turn those little scuffles caused by swearing into massive debates with many students joining me in my tirades. We believed, same as you, that we were simply using our constitutional right to speak freely, and that anything less was unconstitutional. I would get into these debates (not just about swearing) with the staff of my high school, and they would always wind up with the "Well, he's right, but I've got the power" mentality. It's ****ed up, but don't let this little bit of nothing **** with you and your education.

    edit: To the guy above me,

    When I went through all those debates, I wound up at this stand point, and said something like "I don't care if y'all give me detentions throughout this year, but how bout a change for the next?" They had none of it.
    #35 Tex, Mar 18, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2009

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