Hey guys I am new to this website but it was recomended to me by someone. Anyway the map is a huge artillary gun that well shoots golf balls at people, lol. and well the map took me about two or three days to build not including the one day it tiook to think it up but anyway the map is on my fileshare along with a few videos that were recordings of me making the map and here is the Halo 3 File Share
Spartan 11576, take some screenshots of your map in a custom game and they'll immediately send to your bungie.net profile. Once you take the screenshots, go to http://www.haloscreenshots.net and enter your gamertag. Once your there, click on the picture you want, look down for the "BB code," and then copy and paste it into this thread. Good Luck!
Spam. You need to actually help him with his pictures. Okay, there are several things wrong with this post. -The link to the map must lead to the actual map, not your file share. If you don't understand, you must first click on the map in your file share you want people to see, then publish the URL that appears on that page. -You must have pictures. Someone already explained this, so I won't go in to it. I would suggest having at least one to two overviews, five or six close-ups of specific parts (or even more if it is a large map), and several action shots, if you have them. Action shots are pictures of in-game play, showing that you play-tested the map at least once. -You must have at least a brief description, but I would definitely recommend having an extensive description with information about everything, such as: the weapons on the maps, the gametypes it supports, the number of players that it supports (or the recommended amount), and, if it is a special gametype, the stats that people start with. If you don't fix these problems a mod (moderator) of Forgehub will come and lock this thread, preventing anyone from editing or posting in it. Don't get discouraged by the post. Many people get the post wrong the first time. It gets easy once you get the hang of it. And this site is definitely the site to go if you want people to see your map. I hope this helped you in this post and future posts. If you need any more help, just send me a private message by clicking on my name on the left side of this post.