Enclose Map Description: Over the wind swept sand dunes of Sandbox you will find in the sky a medium/large sized map featuring 4 symmetrical bases and a 7 wood as the lone power weapon. Enclose features large open bases mixed with an intense close quarter middle room, which houses the 7 wood, and connecting side tunnels where players can find battle riffles. The map flows extremely well each point on the map has atleast 3 connecting points meaning you will always have a place to run when under fire. Weapons: 4x Battle Rifles 4x Plasma Grenades 8x Magnums 1x 7 wood 4x Power Drain Pictures: Overview Red Base Blue Base Middle Overview Middle/ Gravity Hammer Spawn Side/ Battle Rifle Spawn Golfing? Too Close Side Fight Underneath the Map What you see when you die Creators: Pheonix619 and Garret Mander Testors: Garret Mander and Synth App Download Link: Enclose
I really like the map also Enclosed seemed like it was small but nice job. Love the open parts....When i get mythic i gonna download this so yea Great job 5/5 P.s. Nice middle structure.....Looks good
Well, judging from the base of the map, it seems very easy to fall off in most of the map, which may not be so good for the gameplay. I'd like to see some spots with supports/railings to prevent players from falling off here and there
I was thinking this too but when testing the map we discovered that after you get a feel for the map it is quite simple to remember where you are, and you don't fall off as much. Thanks for the suggestion though, I will consider it in a version 2 and other maps I make.
Thanks for the suggestion, I don't think there are too many holes but I will take it into consideration in the next version.
my first thought was, "WHOA, THIS IS AWESOME!" great job on the map layout and i like how its very symmetrical and cleanly forged too im going to DL this, this could soon be a keeper map on many xboxes nice job 5/5
Hey Phoenix I checked out your other map Ensnare and thought it was good so I looked at this one too. This map is amazing, you have done a great job with symmetry and gameplay on this map. Great job forging. If I can suggest anything for a version 2, I would suggest a little more to block people from falling off the map. However I understand this is part of the gameplay
This map is amazing, the map is original and the symmetry is perfect for the map. Slayer is alot of fun, and like your other maps, it works well for Small and Big Team parties. Great forging looking forward to your next map.
looks great besides the few bad spots of forge maybe fix it up a bit? layout is very nice but it feels like a sniper would be a great addition to the top. 8/10
Hey Ivia me and Pheonix are planning on redoing this map this week sometimes and fixing it up, would you be interesting in helping? Also does anyone have any suggestions to fix the map?