I just sent you a message. lets get 'er done. I finished all the interiors and now we just have to tackle the spawning and outside. We are at a 95% right now. I am on spring break already but not everyone else is so we will have to have testing based off of that.
Sicckkk! I can't wait to play this! The pictures keep getting better and better. Hopefully you can get it out by friday and it might get played in a TGIF party or two. Do you think you're going to have testing before friday though? Because the Tester's Guild is having a test on Wednesday night and last time I checked we have to maps to test. Yeah as of now we have no maps to test. Head here if you want it tested by us.
The map is basically finished and I wrapped it up after Master Debayter left. Everything works and the only problem might be that the random weapon box tends to dispense the mauler more than the other weapons. We will look into that soon. I also created a gametype to go with the map though i'm sure it will have to be fined tuned to have the best gameplay. The map will definetly be finished by tomorrow but Master Debayter has school and so he won'y be able to test it much. I think that handing it over to the Tester's Guild is a necessity but I we would also like to hand it over to the people who have been posting here. I will talk to Master about this and see if we can get a party going. Otherwise wednesday sounds good. Hopefully this can be ready by friday for the TGIF.
okay finally its almost done, but if you select me for testing i cant play til friday night(in australia gmt +9 atm) so i guess thats like umm i have no idea cant wait to see a hobo's response to this
I'm a happy camper! :happy: I'm a little bit disappointed about you guys not implimenting (???) deployable gravity lifts into the game, and it seems a little bit of a problem with the zombie opening up the help room door. WHEW!!! If I'm picked, just message me on here or on XBL. My name on XBL is EconomyPuppy (I have a brother who plays, his name is DownfieldAcorn, and we have to share it, so we will both play)
Well if there's any good news about the project, it's that the map will not be complete until I get my hands on it. I think I'll allow RivalMass to play with the Tester's Guild on Wednesday while I host the game with the handpicked testers. Whenever I get the updated map, however, I am going to seriously tidy up the map where it's needed. I saw somethings that I know I want to edit, and tomorrow I want to take it upon myself to fix it. RivalMass has done plenty (especially in the last couple of days when I couldn't work on the map XP), so now I think I need to get some things done. It'll be like a version 1.1, so to speak.
That's good/bad news, meaning that the map won't be finished entirely soon, but that you guys are still going to make a v2 after this.
No, the map will still be finished by the end of the week. But MY V1.1 will not be released until later in the week, probably by tomorrow, or tonight depending on whether or not I finish my homework (which I will get started on right now).
Well all of the above is good news. Glad to hear it all. I think that anyone here who cares to help test this should get to test it. I'm sure there are less people here than spots for people to play. I'm just saying that I would like to be one of the testers. I love **** Zombies, I love infection, and I love testing maps. Plus, my xbox should be back tommorow or Thursday. I hope you guys test it Friday because I want to test it too. I can't wait!
I think the map is nice, though there are a few places where we could potentially make boxes even more parallel and organised. Other than that there isn't much that I would change. -It would have been nice to be able to use grav lifts to move the debris but players could potentially use this to get out of the map and cause trouble. In the final version we might be able to bring it back into play with some tweaks. Here is a small presentation of the map Judgement on the Last Day -gametype: Judgement The zombies start slow but can take a medium amount of damage. As players become infected, they will speed up a bit more. The custom powerup allows the infected to run faster and take more damage. Humans will have to carry around BRs and Carbines to take these ones out. If the zombies get close enough it will take around 3-4 hits to kill a human. Zombies -Normal Zombies are slightly faster (110%) and have 200% gravity -Normal shield with 90% damage resistance -0% shield recharge rate -75% damage -100% leech -Immune to headshots -The Alpha zombie moves the slowest (90%) and has 200% gravity -50% shield recharge rate -Other traits are unchanged Custom Powerup for the zombie (90 sec) (orange) -Zombies now move quicker (125%) -Increased damage resistance 500% -50% shield recharge rate -They will die with a headshot Humans -magnum start (white) -90% movement and 200% gravity -2x overshield with 150% damage resistance -110% shield recharge rate -110% damage -25m radar -Map: the Last Day The zombies initially spawn in this room where there are three teleporters. The one on the left will lead to the side of the bunker with an open field. The one on the right will lead to the opposite side where in the game there is normally a truck. The last teleporter is off screen on the right. It leads to the tunnel and a staircase which spawns at 180 sec (indicated by the B sign spawning). The custom powerups are not there initially but come into play every 45 sec (one on each teleporter). The left teleporter will bring them here. They spawn in cover behind the bridge and then can move up through the explosives. The teleporter offscreen brings them outside of the tunnel The humans spawn here. They can then move up and grab the two weapons on the wall. Humans can shoot out the windows and trigger explosions At sixty seconds the help room opens. Below a player backs up through the door to escape. We added in columns which make the room much more confining before. the cover allows the zombies to hide as they come in and the humans can try to run around the columns and avoid beeing hit. An smg can be seen in the back left and a mauler in the back to the right. Zombie breaking through the cave. At 180 sec all the stairs, outside and inside, will spawn to allow movement upstairs. Here is a view towards the grenades which spawn on the palletes (spikers). An assault rifle is on the wall offscreen to the right. This is the other side with the sniper in the back. A shotgun is also mounted on the wall to the left. There are three zombie entrance windows here. This is one of the few places where players can snipe outside. Zombies will not feel overpowered as they can simply pick another side to spawn from.
I put your post onto the first page, it is probably going to attract a lot of attention. I'm still working on my homework. But maybe I can actually get on later and we can do the same thing that we did yesterday. But probably not. XP. I already thought of some improvements that I could change for v1.1 but I want the test games to happen first. I'll advertise in my signature for a testing list, and I'll add a tester's list to the front of this page. So if you want to help test, now is the time to post.
One word: amazing Plus I would like to test but I'm unsure what time is good for me (Friday might not, but I don't mind if I can't really. Would really like to if possible though)
Omg the map looks SPECTACULAR I CANT WAIT TO PLAY IT! If you are still looking for testers for the private group then i would just die to do it. I can be on whenever you need me except from 3-5pm central time hence thats the time i am on my halo 3 site after school + homework. I cant wait just to be able to get my hands on this map omg omg omg.
I assume either Wednesday, Thursday, or Saturday. I'll post a time and date for the official test date for me, so watch the front page. Plus, I'm sure that I'll make multiple dates; I like to play my maps more than once when I test them out with people.
As I said before, I'm a happy camper. If you can help it, make one of the testing sessions Wendesday, around 11-1 PM Central time.
That could easily work for me because I am in the middle of Spring Break. If Master can not be there then I probably will. Just send me a message on Wednesday and I will try to invite you. (GT: RivalMass) -We will try to get everyone together at the same time for a large test game but if a couple people show up early maybe it would be better to give them a forgethrough before everyone shows up so they know what is happening. Master Debayter, you mentioned that you were going to post the map soon. I don't think that we should do this until at least friday, when we will be able to pick up on any large flaws that may arise. I might also make a seperate thread for the random weapon box but we should also have a description in the main post.
yer i would like to test but sadly i cant play my xbox until friday afternoon, thats thursday night for you guys by my understanding so if you want me to test i'll be available for a friday or saturday sesion for you guys in america. my friends want to play and test this map, if there are enough spots left is it okay for them to play? why did you call it judgement on the last day i thought it was going to be natch der untoten or **** zombies?
One name doesn't fit, the other is Blammed! So you can't use either, plus it's a little different of an experience, because it's Halo 3. Originality in the name attrats more players. Lol, didn't I tell you that?