This is my first map I have posted so please tell me if I forgot anything ok. Thanks now on to my map. Story This map is named "Ruins" because in the middile structure you can see around it has a couple(or one) broken piller. The story is that an acient civilization had tortements to see who the bravest of the whole place was. Aa the civllization died more than ten years after that humans found it and used it for the same reasons. Can you find out who is the best? Gametypes "Ruins" supports all team game types but the spawning might be messed up for KOTH. Other than that I think it is mostly made for CTF, Assualt, and Slayer. Pics This is the blue base with two mongesses. Blue BR box. This is just one of the snipers. (the other one is on the oppisite side) Here is where the regenarator spaws. (underneath one of the snipers) This would be the red base. (indentical to blue) The red BR box One of the needlers. Other one. The center stucture as I was talking about. OverView Thank you for looking at my map and again please tell me if theres anything wrong with it. Thanks. Download here >
I like the way you made the 2 bases w/ the spikey thing. What did you use to make that? There isnt anything wrong with the map, but the corners could use some more cover. 4.5/5* I want to download the map, but cant find the download link D:
very nice to look at, but it's too open and bland, not enough cover and the lines of sight aren't terrific. Needs more weapons and something special to make it stand out from all the other bland maps. and Welcome to Forgehub! ~Orange~
It looks fantastic! I love the layout, the aesthetics, and basically the whole map is completely original from any map I've seen. It looks amazing. Great job! 8/10. seems you've forgotten a download link.
I'd suggest more cover and varying lines of sight; additional floors in the center structure and bases come to mind. I'd agree with Orange, though. Try to make a more unique aesthetic feature, as a raise platform with 4 pillars is far from unique.
Sorry I don't know how to put a downlod link. Also under the raised plat form there are fusion coils that make an explosion that don't hurt you and those spikey things are angled blocks.
I agree with what most of these people have to say, not enough cover... Maybe a 2.5/5 at the least for me.