If you've not seen Distorted Sand then click here http://www.forgehub.com/forum/casual-maps/60203-distorted-sand-infection.html Otherwise on to the map. The Changes: All guns removed. The Dead ends now have teleporters. New zombie spawn (have pic) New building (have pic) Now you can get every where Yay! Gametype: Peasant Hunt (Sorry I don't have it..) Zombies are invicible and humans try to run away with out dying. (of course) Now onto the new pics(these mostly show new stuff if you haven't seen the first click link at top)[/URL] The last man standing spot was replaced by a teleportation hub. [/URL] New zombie spawn (the spawn is normaly closed I deleted the pillar for screenshot[/URL] The New room I know its not distorted [/URL] Second pic of new room. Download Link: Halo 3 File Details Thanks for viewing!!!
Thank you for replying to my comment about that one room that can get stuck. I don't exactly like the teleporter idea though. Still lots of fun!