I made a new map using the Open Sandbox. It's not 100% complete (there aren't any weapons or spawn points yet. But I'm trying to get a feel to see if the community likes this idea. It's basically 2 outposts, Red and Blue of course, and a TON of sand between them. One idea that was really fun was putting Juicy and/or Gloomy filters in, and it makes it really dark and fun to have the lit outposts. Other than that, I guess a 4 on 4 Multi-Flag CTF would be good. I'm trying to come up with other gametypes that would work for this. Anyway, here's the concept so far: Blue Base (Haven't got a name for it yet): Phoenix Outpost (If you look closely, it looks like a Phoenix rising from the ashes): Front of Phoenix Outpost: Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.
Welcome to FH, well done for making a map, but this post isn't up to FH standards USE THIS LINK to find out how to embed your images Aloso visit http://haloscreenshots.net/ type in your gamertag and then it's just a matter of copying and pasting the image codes without uploading them onto a photo hosting site e.g Photobucket.
Nice first map, i'll download it and see how it plays. But first you need to put in a download link to the map
It's not for download yet. If you read my original post, I'm just looking for first impressions of the screenshots, and ideas on what type of gametypes would be good for it. If this is the wrong thread, sorry. You guys have like 50+ forums in this site lol. Thanks.
whoops, sorry, yeah if you maybe put a bit more of a map in the centre of the sanbox area, you could have reasonable battlefied area
I want to stay away from that area, and keep people on the sand. It'd be neat if I could just throw more sand in there and cover that area up. And get rid of the light domes and add my own...Halo 4 maybe.
Moved to Forge Discussion. The Map boards are for completed maps. You can re-post it over there once the map is complete
i like the look of it, i also like how it looks like it's "in the sand" because of what you did with the ramps.
lol, this map is cool although it is quite open in the middle (like blood gulch, but this is wider) 4.2/5
Apparently people don't get that this is supposed to be a preview, not a finished map. So you want players to stay out of the middle, and go around, on the sand? There's no way to FORCE them, but there's ways you can make it more appealing to go the long way. Add cover to the sides, but leave the middle fairly open (Though there should be SOME cover so its not impossible to cross there). The problem you'll run into though it the laser barrier...I don't have sandbox, so I don't know how visible the light things are. If they're not easy to notice with the filters and when you're running, you might have people accidentally crossing the barrier without realizing it.
I think the only real problem with this is that there will be no way to prevent some sneaky bastard from going on the peripheral edge of the map in an objective game and backstabbing the base, or spawn camping etc. This would be even worse with darkening filters on since you wouldn't be able to see the vehicles easily. If you could figure out a way to get around this, however, it would be a great idea. (Walls around the backs of the bases come to mind)
Put a building complex in the middle, and a few random structures around. Let some of them have man cannons. The map looks f***ing sweet, by the way!
If you don't want them to go in the middle, you could do as that earlier post said, make cover on the sides, leaving the middle open. You could also say for people to have relatively weak / short range primary weapon (magnum or SMG), and have the weapons only in the sand. I don't know if this is even possible with the resources you have, but it would be cool if you made a giant circular wall, completely blocking off the middle of the map. That way, the bases could never see each other, making more indirect lines of site than what you have now, and your map would be a giant donut! It wouldn't necessarily have to be incredibly high either, if you made people have 150% gravity. Those are just some ideas. I like what you have going though.