Alright well, I have also been a customs man, But as of late I have been getting back into matchmaking and I have been studying up on some of the strategies of MLG teams and well, I know it sounds noobish but I want a matchmaking team. Basically I want a team of 4-5 players, that will play a couple of matchmaking games to win. They have to be on pretty often and at least have an average skill at the game. I would also prefer if you had the mythic map pack, not needed but requested, because I am in love with the maps and play Team Mythic playlist games all the time. SO to apply pl,ease fill this out. Name: GT: Time on halo per week: Skill(1 to 10): Well I hope you guys are interested and i'll test everyone out before they join.
I'll do it! You already have my GT on your Friends List, so... Time on Halo per week: More than I'd care to admit. Skill: Umm... 7? 8?
I'll be a reserve player, since we run in the same online circles. Name: Like my real name? GT: RightSideTheory Time on halo per week: Often, but no definite time. Skill(1 to 10): 7 normaly, but I get very very short bursts of 9
Name: Jake. GT: Skippyyyyyyyyyy (10 Y's) Time on halo per week: oh god i do not want to think about it. a lot. Skill(1 to 10): im okay.i would only be playing for fun and i can play for fun and be a solid 10 so yeah For slayer against 50's i can go +8 to +15 every game. Mlg against 50's i can go average +4 against 50's and still do objective.
Name: Blaze GT: oI BadKid Io Time on halo per week: I don't usually get on unless I have a reason but I can get on pretty often. Mainly after 10/11pm EST Skill(1 to 10): Probably a 9-10+. though I have good days and bad days. I only really enjoy MLG (and squad battle) but I guess if I have to I'll play other stuff. I can't play snipers, swat or team doubles. Umm... I have a pretty good Br. I know almost any MLG tactical jump (G1-G2, Mid-S1 on guardian etc). I could qualify for HLG. I won't play with black people or Mexicans (sorry but it's true) . Ya...... Um.... I think I'm done.