Spectre Valley "And you thought ghost town was inforgeable" Download Map Download Gametype Description: Spectre Valley is a 8-16 player racetrack on ghost town. Though Ghost Town is a medium sized map I took the pride of using all of it's possible options to make a giant sized map. Spectre Valley includes a giant boardwalk and a very steep drop. It takes skill for the drop so be careful. Spectre Valley has been given the title of 3rd Best Small DLC Racetrack in HaloTracks for 2008. Just under Into The Night by lastlaugh24 and a deadguineapig and Goose Town by Whiskey Warm which won Best Overall Track of 2008. Spectre Valley's boardwalk feels like a dream to ride and so smooth to experience it but the massive drop makes the adrenaline rush and gets you focused when doing the race. Pictures: Through The Start Across The Boardwalk Next Boardwalk Turn The Big Jump A Stylish Turning The Leap To The Boardwalk Enjoy!
nice job on originality, this is awesome dude, i love the boardwalk and the big jump, nice racing map, 5/5 keep up the good work
Great map very original! I would dl but i'm just tired of seeing all these racing maps on forgehub, please put your maps on halotracks so the people who want to race can find your map easier
Wow this looks great. You don't see to many racetracks built on Ghost Town anymore. This is probably the best. I like how it is all floating above in the air and the jump looks to be fun. I am going to download this and run around on it for a little. Chow!
Amazing! Not many words to describe this other than awesome or beyond expectations, but still, great map. I haven't seen many who have the forging potential to actually make a racing map on Ghost Town. It seems like you could put your forging to good use on race tracks. The only issue I see (because critics always have something to complain about) is the leap onto the boardwalk. It seems that there should be another wall or something there to make the edge even instead of that point from the stairs. Other than that, best racing map I've seen in a long time. Congrats! *~* 10/10 *~*
in your pics its kinda hard to tell where and what "the big drop" is. other then that i think you did a good job making a race map on a level thats had to make them on
this is the first ever LEGIT racing track i have ever seen on ghost town, and by the look of it, it is orgasmic. i would make suggestions for improvements, but the fact that you were able to do what you did with this map is just so amazing. i salute you sir, for going where no man has gone before. 5/5 EDIT : ^ first of all, learn to use grammar. second of all, if you "know about racetracks a lot a while now" you should know that very few racetracks are made on ghost town because it is VERY hard to forge on. if you want to make crap posts just so that you get that cool rank, do it in the random section, not in the forge discussion section. you are a FAIL.
Well the thing is that I just made this track on my spare time and I wasn't exactly going for "state of the art" standard. I just made this because I wanted to give Ghost town a little more credit for the little gem it really is. So if you wanna complain about the track then that's fine by me but take note. Your standards which cry out for battletracks were the tracks have no thrill points in them. Everyone else's isn't the same. Bear that in mind before making a useless and utterly boring post. P.S. Thanks for the replys I really appreciate it .