New infection gametype

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Riptide Sage, Mar 15, 2009.

  1. Riptide Sage

    Riptide Sage Ancient
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    While i was working with the infection gametype today i just discovered the spawn settings, i then thought that if you would give the zombies weapon pick up at start you could have many different special zombies, on further work i thought that if you separated the zombie spawn area (ex: unwanted crates in the air) you could have the zombies spawn, pick up weapons and go on their way. In addition you could control the likelieness of a special spawn by controling the total number of zombie spawn points. I have been drafting up some ideas for various special zombies, but what do you think? Please only constructive critism or suggestions.
  2. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    Not to sound elitist or anything but its not a new idea, at least not here. See Help's on the Way, for a particularly good example.
    However, that is not to say its a bad idea. Forge a map using this technique and submit it, that's usually a better way to garner feedback/critism/etc
  3. philthyphillup

    philthyphillup Ancient
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    Or Class six. That is an amazing game. If you can pull
    off something of the sort with all of the existing ones
    and still be fun, well it'll be pretty awesome. If you
    need any help ask away!
  4. Riptide Sage

    Riptide Sage Ancient
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    Thank you for your responses but i believe i should clarify my idea, i wish to have the spawning of specials be random, not timed with helps on the way, in addition this method allows for several different specials to be included, as it doesn't require the custom power up, and i intend to work up a map just as soon as mythic map pack comes out for the rest of us, once again thank you for your inputs.
  5. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    Oh...OH. Okay. Hmmm...the specials will be somewhat limited to what items and equipment you give them...custom power up added in to either pick up weapons or make someone something else...
    I could see this working in a map, if it was given enough thought and time. You don't need to wait for the mythics to come out to forge it though.
  6. Riptide Sage

    Riptide Sage Ancient
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    true enough but having crypt sealed off naturally just makes my life easier, as it is i have zombies set to 5 seconds to start and pick up weapons, with the custom power up working to create a super zombie, not to unlike what you find in helps on the way, but this game style becomes less predictable as the humans can never guess what will come up when, and by using spawn time it is possible to hold off the really powerful specials till later in the game, when the humans have better equipment, i just finished up some more work on testing weapons and found some fun special zombie combos, my personal favorite being the grav hammer+bubble shield, forces humans to take a risk or hold out for the bubble to go away. Otherwise i have some more ideas in the works, and once again thanks for the replies.
  7. zone sama

    zone sama Ancient
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    this may lead to the zombies betraying the hell out of each other, just for the power weapons. you could prevent this by seperatingt all the zombies at the start of the game

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