Summary "Infamy" is the sequel to "Shadow Spire". After such a great response to "Shadow Spire" i decided to make another puzzle map, since there were quite a few ideas that still had left over, and since many people completed it and found all the regens quicker than i expected. However, this map is infinitely harder than my other maps, so for anybody who found "Shadow Spire" too easy, this map should provide a sufficient challenge. Not only are the puzzles hard, but they are original, interesting, and suprising. This is also most likely the last map i will make on foundry, but there are high chances i will eventually make a puzzle map on sandbox, so keep your eyes peeled for that . ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Overview ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Features A central hub with teleporters leading to 5 different levels of the map. - Everything cleanly interlocked/geomerged, so everything is smooth. - 4 Hidden Regenerators (just like "Shadow Spire", although this time they really are very hard to find). - Completely original ideas. From the second teleporter onwards, practically everything is something that you will not have seen before. - No hard jumps. This is a puzzle map, not a jump map, so trying to jump of hidden ledges isn't going to get you too far . ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Notes This is a SOLO puzzle map, so do not skip parts of the puzzle by jumping on heads or killing each other. - There are no decoys, traps or tricks, everything is useful for something, you'll just have to figure out what. - No wall clips. None. Not a sausage. - No Hidden Teleporters. Something that really does annoy me when playing puzzle maps is teleporters hidden in the walls, in boxes or in the floor that you have to find by stumbling upon them by chance or by looking in forge. This is neither fun nor is it a puzzle, therefore you wont be finding anything like this in this map. - The gametype is REQUIRED, not optional. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pics I'm not giving you picture hints this time, but here are just a few pictures so you can have a taste of what you will see when you download the map. This is the hub, the powerups help to differentiate between the teleporters. This is my one of my favorite rooms, i reckon you'll like it too... if you can figure it out . Is that geomerging?!? Well... only a little . Confused yet? Finding it tough to think of a way to get through that door? Good, because luckily you wont have to ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Download Links Map Variant: Infamy Game Variant: Infamous Walkthrough - Infamy Guide ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Hints Did you think i wasn't going to give you any help at all? I'm not THAT evil . Teleporter 1 (Blank) [Puzzles 1-6] Your gonna need that radar jammer, so your gonna need a sword, so your gonna need a mongoose. Best start by finding one then. - You can see rather alot from in here, pity you can't go where you can see tho, maybe you can go where you cant see? A shadow will help. - Bash that cone, you know you want to. - Remember walking through walls in "Shadow Spire"? - You gotta defy gravity, but you might need a bit of help. - Simply shoot to unblock the next teleporter, then you've got to make a sandwich to get back to the hub. Teleporter 2 (Yellow) [Puzzles 7-9] Getting up there, with only a barrel? They are 3 dimensional you know. - This looks familiar, so you might think you know how to do it. I'm afraid that wont work, you'll have to think of something new . - The next teleporter is a bit shy, so you might have to get an angle on it to shoot it, then it's back to the hub again. Teleporter 3 (Blue) [Puzzles 10-12] My favorite part. Looks like your going to have to get at those damn fusion coils... but that flaming shield door is in the way! - You can't reach the deployable cover from here, but you can help yourself to reach it from somewhere else. - Time to unblock the red one and return to the hub, shouldn't be too hard. Teleporter 4 (Red) [Puzzles 13-19] Those mancannons don't look friendly, but i'm afraid you have to go through them, you need what's on the other side. - Two guns are always better than one, especially at the same time. - Bouncing bullets is always fun. What you need to shoot is in plain sight. - In a small cage with two teleporters for company, remember, you like cranes. - Up in the sky, you have a birds eye view, so use it wisely. You might think you've reached the next teleporter, but not yet . - This one is a tricky one. If at first it seems like you're not doing it right, try again, just don't fail at it this time . - Just walk to the end of the tunnel, turn left, and then... OMG A REGENERATOR! Sorry, you cant get over that wall to pick that up . The fusion coils on the other side will unblock the final teleporter if you can explode them, and that regenerator does help you even though you can't get it. Final Teleporter (Purple) [Puzzle 20] Congratulations for making it this far, no hints for the final puzzle, but if it interests you this is probably my second favorite room in the map . ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Final Words If you do manage to do it and find all four regenerators whilst playing the custom game, send me a message and if you have done it you can have your name put on this list of people to completely complete it. List of completers who have completely completed it (found all four regenerators)... - - - - - Walkthrough - Infamy Guide --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
downloaded and im looking foward to it Edit: got the sword and the moongoose but now im stuck. cant get past that barrel.
Hey I can't believe you got this out so fast. I'm just about to download it and I'll be back with a review.
I remember playing this map, I was playing it with GameSmoker and a few other people. We got to the part with the sniper up in that one area with the crane. Couldn't figure out what to do from there.
i was playing while a friend was with me and i managed to glitch because of him standing in the back of me while i was on the mongoose which got me further but can you tell me in a pm how you should do that on your own ? i didnt glitch on purpose it was an accident i almost completed blank teleporter but i havent done more for now so far your map looks good your really nasty makin all those distractions while the answer actually was simple EDIT: i figured out how to do it on my own but i got stuck at the ball and the barrel i know what you can do with it but i cant go on after i do that so have to take a look again.
I'm not going to tell you how to do it because that's the point of the puzzle, you have to figure it out . Oh, and all those distractions aren't actually distractions, they're things that you will need to get to do it when you do it on your own. try without a friend next time .
how do you make such amazing maps? haha how long did it take u to make it? ive downloaded and tryed to play it... i got to the red teleporter and im stuck on 6 :/
Hmm.....This looks very well made,well posted,and very nicely done. It seems challenging,but I think I could get it done. I will give it a try and message you if I could do it or not. Anyways nice map overall.The custom powerups really made me wow.
Pfft! If there's a traffic cone and a cryptic clue it's all gravy Anyway I had the pleasure of playtesting some of this. There were some pretty unique ideas in there and it's definitely more challenging than Shadow Spire. I do believe my friend and I did some "unconventional" solutions here and there but I think you've ironed out those creases now, haven't you! One of the better puzzle maps/makers I see around lately. I recommend this to people who enjoy a good puzzle challenge. P.S. Magnums FTW!
Ummm, could you pm me a slight explanation of 3 and 4? I never played on shadow of spire so I really have no clue what you're talking about, and where the hell is the cone? Hell I even went to forge mode to find it. What cone?
I think you're misunderstanding how the clues work. If you are still in the first room, then the only clue relevant to that room is number 1. Once you have got out of the first room, then you use clue number 2, then when you reach the third room you use clue number 3, etc. Room one is kinda a few puzzles in one room, so you'll only need clue 1 until you actually get out of that room. Hope that helps . Oh, and to darksoull, it didn't take as long as you probably think , and number 6 of the red teleporter is one of the hardest ones, even if you know how to do it, that's why it's almost at the end .
ok on the first part i got the stuff then drove under the door and got under those stairs...i am now stuck was i not suppose to do that?
sorry about the spam, But seriously i have played your map and it is very well made.I especially like the hub room idea. I could inspect it more if i knew how to do first level though. Ive got the three items but don't know what to do from there.
Hmmm im stuck at puzzle 7. I re-visited your page for a hint (( came that far without any) but it did not help. How can I get up there?! (no help please). I love the creativity. Probably most challenging puzzle map I ever played. Great job!
I'm stuck on puzzle 1! It's been taking me forever to complete that. I've spent over an hour and still can't find my way to puzzle 2. I've read the hint, doesn't help, since it just tells you what you need. Edit: Nevermind, got past it (finally). You, sir, are the best puzzle maker around. Awesome work!
Nice, the map looks sick. I have managed to do quite a bit of it. The map must have taken ages, you must have forged for weeks on end to make such an awesome map.
if you need any help, send me a friend request along with a message, i keep getting random friend requests so i will not accept unless i know what its about . I would also like to find out whether anybody has completed it yet, or got close, or found any regenerators, or found a way to break it. If you have done any of these, send me a message either here or on xbl. Thanks
So far ive played it once and spent about an hour on it and i made it to number 6 on the red teleporter and i couldnt figure it out and it gave me a headache so i quit