This map was created by my friend Jagdpanther001 on Sandbox's middle level. It's a nice race map with multiple parallel paths to take its your decision on which path is faster, the winner is determined by your manuverability and possibly how fast you are at recovering from a crash. The race starts out through an ancient ruin then moves to a large bank around the outside edge of the map. Just don't try to cheat. he he he.... Dune Dash The Starting Point Ruins Entrance The Ruins
u need to have pictures and a better description, i guessing this is your first post, dont worry every bodies first post is bad..
Don't worry, I know HOW to post, I just wanted to get the map out ASAP, my friend will get screenshots soon.
Yeah...true. Should have. I'm just kind of excited after having made one of the first like 10 maps in sandbox to block the guardians, so I just wanted to post more great things ^.^