this map was created only for the use of king of the hill as seen in the pictures below this map was created from the insperation of a map one of my friends is making involving the same hill type. i finished the map in mid january but waited to post it because i got infracted but since im not any more please enjoy the map. br x6 sniper rifle x2 shogun x1 plasma pistol x1 inside of the hill (one bubble shield) base b (defenders) base a (attackers) base b elbow overveiw of the hill download map here Halo 3 File Details
I can't really tell from the pic's, but it seams that the bases are one sided, meaning that one team has a definate starting advantage. Maybe add another pic that tries to show the entire map as a whole. I like the merging of the bridges. It looks really cool.
It looks like a good map from what you showed us. The only problem is that in the last picture it is really open behind the hill. I know the map was created for king of the hill but you maybe should have made a wall or something because it hurts the quality of the map to see a lot of open space. I will download and get a game of KOTH going to see how it plays. Chow!