I have recently been noticing an increasing demand for an infection game that goes two ways. It would essentially be for every opponent you kill you gain a teammate, regardless of side. Unfortunately, the infection gametype does not allow this. Browsing through the lists briefly I believe it might be possible but could be potentially boring for a few members of the team. There is a setting under the advanced respawn settings called "synchronize team repawns". Essentially, this allows another teammate to respawn early when you get a kill even if they have no lives left.. Therefore the system I would propose is it would be an 8v8 game that plays like a 4v4. Four from each team would spawn as normal and would begin the game. The other 8 would spawn in a "Death room" that instantly kills them. (adjusted so they don't automatically start down a point). Everyone is set to have one life. Then anytime the original 4v4 kill someone that person will die but allow one of the killers team mates to respawn acting like an infection game. Now, this would most likely have to played on a map where falling off is unlikely or impossible. This is so that people don't jump off to prevent the other team from gaining a player. The team wins when the other side is completely eliminated. The default gametype would likely be team slayer but if popular could be adjusted to play on other gametypes. There is one main problem though. There must always be a few people left out of the game until the next person dies. While testing may prove that you could do 6v6 with 4 dead initially or start with all 8 but the first few infections wouldn't add to your ranks and the "Last man standing" effect may be harder to recreate. Thoughts? Would potentially be waiting that long to respawn be worth the gametype? The game may work out enough that waiting to respawn isn't that bad until the game starts becoming a 2v6.
hmmm this might work i have never really thought about that. good work on thikning all of that up if you get it to work just tell me in a pm. sounds like it would be a fun game
Thanks for the feedback. I will try to make a test one tonight. I do fear, however, that in some games players may never even get the chance to spawn. This may be solved by multiple rounds though. I will try the 4v4 first since it holds the most promise to play like a normal infection game. This would be interesting to play in a KotH or similar situation.
That sounds like it would work really well (if you found a way to makeit work well. Whatever, it's a a badass idea
I know the idea has been wanted for a while and I had knowledge of the setting. I will try to post one a prototype this week if I can. Test Gametype is up! I still need someone to forge a map to go with it. I would recommend basic standoff with a small death room off the cliff. There would only need to be 8 starting points there. After that we will need a 16 player party to test it. Wolves vs. vampires I chose this name as it seemed to fit better when players can be "infected" multiple times. Swords starts, no weapons grenades or vehicles on map, no shields (it is a one hit kill anyway and it removes the shield meter.) 110% speed. Respawn on kill (causes infection-like games). So just post here if anyone can make a map.
It's a pretty cool idea and all. But how much sense would it make if you killed a zombie, and it became human?
Well the game is WOLFS vs VAMPIRES so it kinda makes more sense. And I would like to know what happens to the human who gets killed by the zombie? Does it work like normal? Do they still spawn on the human side? Anyways Great idea. Once its perfected im sure it will be an instant success.(maybe a bit slower than instant but still a success.)
Whoever said the game was wolves vs vampires? The fact of the matter is that we have no way of making a gametype like this. I wish we could make one like this, but we just can't.
Conker's gone nuts. Puns aside. This is actually a great idea and I love the thought of the gametype. I do feel as though it would work better as more of a normal slayer type game. BR starts, normal everything else you know. Would make great for a competitive gametype. I don't think this should be really infection like at all, because, well its not. You don't switch teams after death so theres the major difference between it and infection. Could make for a very fun game, and watching your team play while waiting to respawn is not too boring at all actually.
Sounds kinda like Survival in Unreal Championship I & II (haven't played 3, so dunno), but then instead of 1 on 1, and the others wait 'till one of both dies to join in, you got 4 on 4, so you join quicker. Once more, very interesting stuff. If you fail, keep trying, this sounds like something I really want to see getting popular. (heck, if Griffball can make it in matchmaking, this could too with some work.)
Yeah, I think this would work best on a small map with limited to no grenades or perhaps regenerating grenades for a last man standing - this way, the last man standing would have a chance at taking out the 7 other players he was up against in the case of a 4v4. Multiple rounds would be a must, and I think this word work well as a slayer gametype.