New Pre DLC map idea. Suggestions?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by HunTedMeat, Mar 16, 2009.

  1. HunTedMeat

    HunTedMeat Ancient
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    Ive been thinking about this idea for quite a while and its about time for me to start building.Still, I would like some suggestions on it as I dont want to spend time building a map that the community does not like and end up wasting time on a crappy map.Anyway...........on to the map!
    This will be built on valhalla(dont ask why it will all be explained in time)and will be an infection game.The humans will spawn outside the base that is opposite the waterfall base(the lighter side of the map)and will be enclosed in an area. the zombies will spawn in the base and will jump down from the top and try to kill them.Now it may seem really unoriginal as hundreds of infection maps play out like this.However, there IS a twist to this and this is where my idea comes in.As the games go on(30 seconds in) weapons will spawn in the river/stream that runs through the map. As the weapons float, it will be carried down stream to the humans. Gradually, beter weapons(and equipment) spawn and the humans will kick more zombie butt.
    Now your probably thinking ' Hey! thats no fun for the zombies?' well your wrong. This is part 2 of my idea. While the humans get weapons, the zombies will get vehicles. First they will get a mongoose (which kinda sucks), then a few ghosts. This all leads to massive chaos and (hopefully)many hours of fun.
    Now, if actually read all that, please comment.Any and all suggestions are welcome.Except spam.
  2. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Sounds interesting. What do you plan on building this wall with? The best objects would be crates I suppose but there aren't that many of them. The idea about having weapons float down stream is epic. I think I know where you could use Vahalla's geometry to your advantage. In the gorge you can use the steep sides of the gorge to save crates. And zombies will have more room for when veichals spawn. Hopefully this map is sucsessful because it has a lot of potential.
  3. HunTedMeat

    HunTedMeat Ancient
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    That is a good idea but there has to be space for the vehicles. Also I was planning to use the length of the stream to my advantage in order to limit weapon spawns so that its not unfair.
  4. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Another thing. It cant be too gradual. The latest something can spawn in a map is 3 minutes (180 sec). So be careful when designing the items to delay spawn. Also won't the the items respawn? So there's a whole mess of stuff floating sown river? Wouldn't it be tough to pick up specific weapons?
  5. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    It would work like this. The weapons float downstream so that a weapon that spawns after 10 seconds would be more like 60 seconds. Plus, the weapon floats downstream and if they miss it, it floats out into the water. So there is no build up.
  6. HunTedMeat

    HunTedMeat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yes that is exactly what I was going to do except instead of having the weapons spawn later, I was going to put the better weapons further up stream so i can make it that the weapon does not spawn.

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