Guardians blocked, go anywhere in the outer rim of the main level without dying! In this map, me and my friend have managed to block the guardians from being able to kill you so that you, the players can make maps much bigger than that little area in the center! (Approximately 5X bigger area!) No Guardians Sandbox Overhead View
This is a good concept but it has been done three to four times already. The picture does look nice and I am sure some people will use this but some have already had this map for a good wekk now.
Here you go good friend. Link. All credit goes to AceOfSpades for creating this map and all the glitches involved. I hope I am allowed to do this and have not infringed on any rules at Forgehub. This map has both the gaurdians removed and is ONL glitched.
ive never seen this before too most people always say that they cant stand the guardians and by the way wont this make it a whole lot easier to get the sandbox skull.
Lol yeah, me and my friend made this, then i went and grabbed the skull(as i walked there i heard the rhythmic thump of the guardians weapons fire hitting our blocks)