Here is my newest map Nightmare house. I think I fixed all the gitches but if you find any tell me. Ok if your still reading the map consists of 1 medium sized house in the sky bubble so no noobs run and hide... it has a patio, a roof, a basement, a cellar door, a hole in the roof, a bathroom, ect...... the gametype: I don't have one in particular, but I would put the alpha zombie with poor camo and a sword with a little bit boosted stats. The zombie gets regular stats and the Last man gets infinite ammo...Now on to the pics The overview of the house. The Cellar door [/URL] Secondary zombie spawn (the first is in front of the house if you didn't guess). [/URL] The upstairs overview. (I took a basement pic, but didn't apear on well download to see basement I promise its cool). [/URL] Hole in the roof for zombies Download Halo 3 File Details Thanks for viewing bye!
Good Day sir. Your post is not up to standards. You need at least one embedded pic within the next 24 hours or Forgehub will most definitely rape you. I will go fetch you a link . . . HERE: LINK
actually my good friends i would suggest using because then you dont have to go thru the whole process of saving them to ur hard drive and then posting them on photobucket/tinypic/watever but im on a crappy laptop atm so i cant rly look at the pictures to tell u if the map looks good... hopefully ill bbl
This is a nice map. Even though you did not embed the pictures, i looked at them at it at downloaded it. Runs smooth, items are placed smooth, and not too big but not too small.
Hey, glad you posted it. Despite the small size of the map, it still seems great. The interloxxorz are nice, the weapon placements are good, and, based on the game we played yesterday, the gameplay is pretty great. 4/5 (I still don't see why you couldn't have re-done the easter egg that you had with some other object instead of leaving the sky empty like that)
Hey man,the pics finally came up and I downloaded the map,try to do something abiut them taking so long,ok,but now about the map, the interlocks are really good in this map and the weapon placement and spawn points are really good as well.The game play which is the most important it very good actually,seeing how its so mall,it svery good for its size
just from looking at this i can tell this is gona be an intense fast pace infection map. i dont get why you put mongooses tho cuz theres no where to go 0. 0
Yeah it is fast paced and bout the mongooses....its mostly for asthetics (i know i spelled that wrong) but you can actually use them to some extent.
This is very aestheticly pleasing and it is pretty fun. I like how the house looks. One thing you can improve is interlocking a little more. If you interlocked it more It would be great.
Please I interlocked a TON if you would only download and check it out.... I hit the maximum limit of items so I really couldn't interlock anymore...
Ohh I hate you! I was just making a map just like this called SlaugterhOuse. Hmm you might see it here in a couple of weeks