Sandbox OLN Figured Out (The Object Limit)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Sidonuke, Mar 16, 2009.

  1. Sidonuke

    Sidonuke Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ++ Overview ++
    The following info reveals what the sandbox OLN or Object Limit really is for us.
    The data below details everything used to test the limit.
    Some important info in Notes and Conclusion. Everything else can be skipped if desired.
    ++ Sandbox (Default) ++
    Total Objects - 308
    ++ Infection ++
    Total Objects - 4
    2 - Starting Point
    2 - Respawn Area
    ~4 - Total
    ++ Assault ++
    Total Objects - 9
    2 - Starting Point
    2 - Respawn Area
    2 - Bomb Plant Point
    3 - Bomb Spawn Point
    ~9 - Total
    ++ Territories ++
    Total Objects - 10
    4 - Starting Point
    2 - Respawn Area
    6 - Territory Marker
    ~10 - Total
    ++ Juggernaut ++
    Total Objects - 5
    5 - Go To Point
    ~5 - Total
    ++ VIP ++
    Total Objects - 9
    4 - Starting Point
    5 - Go To Point
    ~9 - Total
    ++ King of the Hill ++
    Total Objects - 9
    4 - Starting Point
    5 - Hill Marker
    ~9 - Total
    ++ Oddball ++
    Total Objects - 11
    4 - Starting Point
    2 - Respawn Area
    5 - Ball Spawn Point
    ~11 - Total
    ++ Slayer ++
    Total Objects - 6
    4 - Starting Point
    2 - Respawn Area
    ~6 - Total
    ++ Capture the Flag ++
    Total Objects - 8
    2 - Starting Point
    2 - Respawn Area
    2 - Flag Spawn Point
    2 - Flag Return Point
    ~8 - Total
    ++ All Gametypes - Forge ++
    Total Objects - 235
    6 - Battle Rifle
    2 - Needler
    2 - Brute Shot
    2 - Rocket Launcher
    2 - Covenant Carbine
    2 - Missile Pod
    ~16 - Total

    2 - Chopper
    2 - Warthog
    4 - Mongoose
    ~8 - Total
    8 - Plasma Grenade
    2 - Bubble Shield
    2 - Power Drain
    1 - Grav Lift
    2 - Regenerator
    1 - Overshields
    ~16 - Total
    2 - Wall
    10 - Wall, Double
    4 - Wedge, Small
    4 - Wedge, Long
    2 - Block, Large
    8 - Block, Double
    4 - Block, Tall
    2 - Block, Huge
    16 - Wedge, Huge
    14 - Ramp, Large
    12 - Wedge, Corner
    2 - Column, Stone Small
    4 - Column, Blue Small
    4 - Column, Red Small
    5 - Block, Flat
    8 - Block, Angled
    8 - Corner, Large
    6 - Obelisk
    2 - Fin
    3 - Stone Platform
    1 - Blue Light
    1 - Red Light
    ~122 - Total
    73 - Respawn Point
    ~73 - Total
    ++ Default + Added ++
    Total Objects - 309
    32 - Frag Grenade
    24 - Plasma Grenade
    32 - Spike Grenade
    8 - Firebomb Grenade
    ~96 - Total
    (Flickering Started to occur in forge mode)
    15 - Assault Rifles
    ~15 - Total
    (Limit Hit and Switched Items) [Don't know why but it bypassed the limit when I changed to another object (Shotgun)]
    Also I couldn't create the last Assault Rifle without the Error Message stopping me even after creating another object and deleting it.
    8 - Shotgun
    10 - Battle Rifle
    16 - SMG
    16 - Spiker
    16 - Magnum
    16 - Plasma Rifle
    ~82 - Total
    (Bad Lag starts to being in forge mode) [Objects Flicker in human Mode]
    14 - Covenant Carbine
    8 - Mauler
    8 - Gravity Hammer
    8 - Energy Sword
    8 - Spartan Laser
    8 - Plasma Pistol
    8 - Sniper Rifle
    4 - Trip Mine
    4 - Radar Jammer
    4 - Flare
    4 - Deployable Cover
    6 - Needler
    6 - Brute Shot
    ~90 - Total
    (Lag seems bad in forge mode) (When facing all objects including default objects Skybox fails to render in forge mode)
    6 - Rocket Launcher
    8 - Beam Rifle
    4 - Machine Gun Turret
    ~18 - Total
    (Machine Gun Turret deleted itself in a blue plasma explosion. 15 seconds later it respawned no issue)
    8 - Sentinel Beam
    ~8 - Total
    [Saved Map]
    (Limit Reached. Not bypassable) [Note: Didn't Test Before Save] Had $26 Budget Left
    [Reloaded Map]
    Objects where saved!
    ++ Clean Map ++
    Total Objects - 301
    32 - Frag Grenade
    32 - Plasma Grenade
    32 - Spike Grenade
    8 - Firebomb Grenade
    15 - Assault Rifles
    ~119 - Total
    (Well well well Limit hit...)
    Once again I switch objects to shotgun and boom bypassed...
    8 - Shotgun
    ~8 - Total
    (Noticed Flickering in Forge Mode)
    16 - Battle Rifle
    8 - Sniper Rifer
    16 - SMG
    16 - Spiker
    16 - Magnum
    16 - Plasma Pistol
    16 - Plasma Rifle
    8 - Needler
    ~112 - Total
    (Bad Lag in Monitor...)
    8 - Brute Shot
    8 - Rocket Launcher
    8 - Spartan Laser
    8 - Energy Sword
    8 - Gravity Hammer
    ~40 - Total
    (God damn it laggy...)
    8 - Mauler
    8 - Beam Rifle
    6 - Sentinel Beam
    ~22 - Total
    (Limit reached unbypassable!) [No lag in normal mode]
    [Saved Map]
    Had $978 Budget Left
    [Reloaded Map]
    All Objects Saved
    ++ Conclusion ++
    On Default Map - Total Addable Objects [Passed Limit] = 309
    On Default Map - Total Addable Objects [Not Passed Limit] = 111
    But you get to use default objects

    On Clean Map - Total Addable Objects [Passed Limit] = 301
    On Clean Map - Total Addable Objects [Not Passed Limit] = 119
    You dont get to use default objects :(

    ++ Notes ++
    1. Default Map has objects with a larger [Run-Time Maximum] than [Placed on Map].
    Which means more money budget is used than is really placed.
    Sandbox default has $510 remaining
    Sandbox default with runtime max at placed on map the same the budget has $636 remaining
    For some reason the budget wont show intill you create an object. (Bug)

    2. Gametype Objects such as goals and respawn areas are for the gametype only.
    A respawn area in placed for slayer isn't in capture the flag.
    The result of which means a respawn area in different gametypes are not counted together.

    3. Object Limit still account for object not placable or movable in forge mode (Not map geometery)
    Mod maps on Rats Nest with the Pelican counts against the Object Limit but cannot be edited in forge

    4. The Total Object Limit or OLN seems to have 2 Limits
    The Soft Limit in place to control lag issues
    The Hard Limit which is the programmed maximum array size for map object data (The Real Hard limit)

    5. A strange untested effect was it seems that between the two addable object caps is a difference of 8 before the first limit was reached.
    This may be because I used 32 Plasma Grenades on the clean version of the map while on the default 8 where placed.
    Since I used 8 Plasma Grenades before the first limit hit it seems to of decreased the cap by 8 objects. Strange...

    6. Soft limit bypassing seems easy as moving to a new object. Dont know why it works...
    Also the object used to hit the limit is not creatable as it results in the error.

    7. The Error Message is "Could not create object. Too many on map."

    8. Bungie's post on the Limits: Sandbox Toolkit : 2/10/2009 2:40 PM PST

    ++ Credits ++
    Data and Explainations Compiled by Sidonuke
    Gamertag: NBS Zattaru
  2. Sidonuke

    Sidonuke Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Here is a fixed budget version of the default map.
    I'll release skybox stacked canvas fixed also.

    Halo 3 File Details
  3. Silver0range

    Silver0range Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, a lot of what you said went over my head, but it looks like you did your research well. Still, though, I don't understand one thing - what is the actual object limit that you should be able to reach on an OLN Canvas map?

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