So I'm making a map but I need a lot of help...

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nerje, Mar 16, 2009.

  1. Nerje

    Nerje Ancient
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    Hi all.

    I'm currently making a largish symmetrical 2 flag map in the Sandbox crypt. I think I have a great layout/design. I am learning to become a game designer and I'm applying a few of the things that I have learnt.

    Now, I haven't used any techniques such as merging or interlocking so the map looks rough as guts. Things like that take time and patience which I pretty much have none of between the months of February and November (look for a map next Christmas hahaha).

    What I'm here to ask is, if I've made the bulk of the structures and design and layout, is it possible for me to pass the map on to somebody in the community to polish it up and make it properly playable? Such as interlocking the walls on my base, tighten up the edges etc. All I would expect in return is the initial design credit.

    I hope somebody can help out.


    Alright everybody. I have pretty much all of the layout done now. Here's what it looks like in it's current incarnation:



    As you peruse the images, just remember it's a symmetrical map and everything is flipped and mirrored on the other side. All the red bits have a blue counterpart, with one exception which I'll get to soon. Meanwhile, here's what you see:

    - That block that crosses the middle is where I'll be putting the rockets. It's the dead centre of the map.

    - That area up the top, on the left and at the back, where the mancannon sits, is only accessible by jumping across those platforms that are balanced on columns. The mancannon shoots you back into your own base over the top wall. Or, you can use the mancannon situated on your own side to make a quick aerial assault into the enemy base.

    - See the red light in the corner? It has a wooden bridge leading to it. That's where the cap point is, on the third floor. The flag itself sits underneath it on the ground.

    - In the center along the back wall is a long tube. This is the most direct way to the flag on foot, but is almost certain death against a well-armed couple of defenders. The tube ends halfway along the wall and forces fleeing flag-carriers out into the open of the main courtyard.


    This is a better view of the base from the outside (with a shot of me jumping :D).

    - The wooden bridge at the front leads to the base interior, where there are ramps up to the cap point, or down to the flag. To get there on foot you need to jump to it from the middle bridge (using the ledge on the most central platform column) or from the ledge underneath the mancannon on the back wall. Underneath the bridge are sideways walls with slits so the defenders can fire upon incoming attackers.

    - From the cap point you can jump across to the front and use the ramp to get to the roof, or just jump down into the main courtyard.

    - Along the front of the base roof is a very tall wall which prevents fleeing flag-carriers from jumping into the blind spot in front of the base without jumping out into the middle of the courtyard first.

    - Either way, if the flag ends up on the ground, players will still have to get it into their base and up to the third floor, giving the other team time to fly into their base via the mancannon for last-second stops and counter-steals.


    This is the interior of the base. Ramp down to flag, ramp up to cap.

    - This is taken from the front entrance to the base.

    - It will be stocked with battle rifles, as it has windowed walls to fire from.


    Does anyone think they can help?

    The base needs a lot of cleaning up. The roof might need a little bit of redesigning so that it's smooth and it works. The other important thing which I mentioned at the beginning, is that I have only created the columns on the red side of the map. On the other side are floating platforms spaced slightly too wide to jump across with the flag. It needs a little bit of cleaning.

    I am willing to compromise on any aspect that doesn't work, also, if anybody is willing to help they can certainly excercise their own creative designs in the map, in a collaborative sense of course. I will give naming rights to those who help me complete it.

    If you would like to trawl around the map yourself, it can be found here:
    #1 Nerje, Mar 16, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2009
  2. Nerje

    Nerje Ancient
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    No love?

    I can handle rejection, so you're welcome to say no.

    I see a lot of people posting threads of ideas about maps but not making them... is it very different if I actually make the skeleton of the map and put that out as an idea?
  3. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    First don't double post, that's against the rules but seeing as your new just know that you should avoid doing such in the future.

    As for your question, it depends on the member and alot of variables. Someone might be willing, but many wouldn't want to help unless they have creative freedom over the map. But we really can't speak on the behalf of others, you'll just have to see if anyone is willing.
  4. Cerberus Beast

    Cerberus Beast Ancient
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    If you post pics, I may be able to help you. You can post 'em here or send me a PM, whatever your preference is. I am not the best geomerger, but I am assuming that you won't find geomerging that much of a necessity in the Crypt. My time is limited as well, as I am not usually allowed to play during the week, but do whatever you feel is right for you.
  5. w00t Its Crunchy

    Senior Member

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    do you require geomerging in said map?
    because if not i may
    depending on how messy it is
  6. Nerje

    Nerje Ancient
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    Here's how I think the whole deal would play out ideally in my head:

    I have this map. I show it to a bunch of experienced forgers until one says "that's cool" and offer to help.

    They go through the map then get back to me and say "I like it, but this floor over here won't work because of etc. etc. etc." and I say "Okay then. What would be a sensible replacement?" Then we brainstorm and work out a solution. Then the forger says "right I don't particularly like the scaffolding in the middle" then I reply "fair enough except that's necessary from a design perspective because it creates a channel of combat while still allowing fire coverage from the base" and the forger says "okay let's try and make it work".

    Then, once completed, the map is released, and the credits are listed as

    Nerje - Initial design and design consultation
    Forger(s) - Design, construction, testing and execution

    I'll get some photos up of what I have already, probably at the end of the day.
  7. Nerje

    Nerje Ancient
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    Bumped coz I updated it. Sorry for the double post but I didn't want to start a new thread.

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