Studying tips.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Ladnil, Mar 16, 2009.

  1. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Ok, so I have to study for several midterms, and as evidenced by my being here now, I fail at studying. My usual strategy is to simply remove myself from distractions like the internet, but my accounting class has mostly online work, which means I have to be at a computer to get any work done. And of course, the internet has more interesting things on it than accounting. So I can't get anything done in any reasonable amount of time.

    Any tips/tricks you wise hubbers can pass on to a caffeine-fueled, halo-obsessed, internet-addicted student like myself? I've got classical music playing on pandora and everything, just can't focus.
  2. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    I may not be one of the best people to ask about studying (I don't study much, myself) but I do know a few tips and tricks that can help you on your way.

    Classical music is good, and does help focus, but that's not the only thing that will help you along.

    Figure out your best study method: People have different ways in which they are able to memorize things. Some people can just sit down and read through everything in order to memorize and understand it- but that isn't for everyone. See what the most effective way of your memorizing things might be.

    Go to a quiet place: Don't study in the same place that you have your video games and assorted entertainment accessories. Just don't do it It's WAY too easy to get distracted, and find yourself playing Halo for several hours before you realize that you were supposed to be studying, leaving you wondering just how the hell that happened. If need be, go somewhere that has protected internet access- ie. you can only access websites related to schoolwork and the like.

    Diet and Sleep: Eat well. Sleep well. The people who always have the most focus and are able to study the most effectively are the ones who have good sleep habits and healthy eating habits. It's easier said than done while you're a poor student, I understand, but it's not impossible.

    Don't overdo it: Don't cram all the information into your head all at once- you could risk overloading yourself with it and then forgetting everything. Study a little bit at the time- maybe go through something for two hours then take a break for a half hour or so. If you can't focus, go and do something to relax yourself, then come back and take another stab at it.

    Probably not too helpful, but hey, it's the thought that counts right?
  3. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    Thanks for that, and I do usually do those things, the problem is when I have to use a computer to do my work I just get so distracted with the awesomeness of the internet that no work gets done. I can't exactly go to a quiet place when I have to use the internet.
  4. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    I used to be part of Academic Decathlon which basically should be called "Study Afterschool 101".

    Basically you are your best tutor when it comes to studying. For me, my method was always copying information on flashcards, then going through the flashcards until i knew all of it.

    If your really tech savvy, my friend was able to plug in his notes into one of his PC shooters (it might have been Team Fortress or L4D, I forget) so that whenever he killed a guy, microsoft sam would read off a fact from his notes. He was gaming and studying at the same time lol.
  5. Jpec07

    Jpec07 Ancient
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    ...tell your friend that he should make installable software out of that and market it. Seriously. That idea is genius.
  6. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    If you need to memorize something, just make a recording, and listen to it. For HOURS.

    Even leave it on repeat cycle when you are sleeping. **** will retain. I promise.
  7. Chedderboy

    Chedderboy Ancient
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    Depends on how your brain works. The three methods I think are most popular are...
    a) Write notes on everything
    b) Flashcards
    c) Read/quiz
    Personally, once I write down the note about something in class, I usually can retain it, so "studying" is just flipping through my notes once.

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