I have a problem with my computer's connection to my xbox 360. It won't show up on my Xbox as a recognized PC. I notice when I turned off Norton 360's firewall, I was able to see my PC's name on my Xbox and view files from it too. Can anybody help me allow my Xbox through Norton 360's without turning my firewall off? Is there like some kind of rule I have to make? I have the ports for Xbox360 and Tversity forwarded too...
Oh god, I had this problem. It was the straw that broke the camel's back for me; I got rid of Norton.
Just about the only solution I've ever seen for this. Norton is notorious for not meshing correctly with the Xbox 360 for firewall settings. One day it works fine and the next it just quits on you, and there is seemingly no way to fix it. I don't have Norton, but I've heard a lot of similar problems like this.
Wait, I've found the solution. There is a way! I had to create a rule to allow the ports xbox live uses. All you have to do is pur ports 88 and 3074 into the rule. I suggest also adding ports 3658-3659 and 6001-6001, these are the EA server ports. So if anybody else has this problem with norton's firewall, just go to the first traffic rule, modify, and add those ports to the rule...
Well done on fixing it. Keep us notified, I want to see how long it'll take for it to break again. I bet it'll break as soon as you stop being apprehensive about it and accept that it's fixed...