Story- It's another day at work in a three story office building. Or so it seems... Bob is sitting at his desk when he hears some noises in the ceiling above his head. Unaware of the zombie apocalypse taking place outside, he decides to investigate. The noise is coming from the vents! He thinks he can see something up there. It looks like- like a- a- SWORD! The camoflauged zombie leaps out of the vent at Bob and slays him on site. Bob's friend Pete witnesses the carnage and pulls a battle rifle out his desk, because you never know when you may need one. He shoots the zombie, warns his fellow workers, and then makes his way to the secret passage that only he knows about... Dead Space The name is original, it's the sequel to my popular original Work Space. But much like EA's Dead Space- it features zombies coming out of the vents. The first zombie spawns in a room where the teleporter unblocks after 30 seconds, giving the humans a decent amount of time to prepare for their fight for survival. The zombies respawn on the roof in a small, boxed area where they can enter the vents. The humans spawn on the second floor of the building. They can go to the top floor where the best weapons are, but beware, this is also where a lot of vents are. The basement is safer, but weapons are more sparce and weaker. There is also a secret passage on the map that is a good place to make a stand. There are five different ways that the zombies can enter the building through the vents. There are two that lead to the top floor, two that led to the middle floor, and one that drops off the balcony. This map features two long hallways, two impressive staircases, a balcony, vents, a secret passage, and a basement. The building's shape is rather like an "L" save the top floor, which is more like a triangle. The great thing about this map is that the gameplay is fun for both the humans and the zombies. The humans have fun surviving. exploring and discovering the secret passage, while the zombies get explore the vent system and drop down on unsuspecting prey. Weapons The weapons on this map are well-placed and spread out, not all bunched together like they are on some retarded infection maps. 3x Assault Rifle 5x Battle Rifle 1x Carbine 1x Flamethrower (spawns 60 seconds after start) 1x Mauler 1x Needler 1x Rocket Launcher (no spare clips) 1x Shotgun 2x SMG 1x Sniper Rifle 2x Spiker 2x Firebomb Grenade 2x Frag Grenade 2x Plasma Grenade 2x Spike Grenade 1x Flare 1x Tripmine Dead Space Youtube Video The top floor balcony The grand staircase The curved staircase The basement View 2 of the balcony The vents A vent exit The Alpha Zombie Spawn The middle floor The downstairs hallway The upstairs hallway and balcony drop vent DOWNLOAD DEAD SPACE MAP HERE DOWNLOAD VENT ZOMBIES GAMETYPE HERE Dead Space can be played with pretty much any infection gametype. "Vent Zombies" is a gametype that I developed specifically for the map and has been playtested and edited numerous times. I would suggest that you download it if you want a great game for the map off the hop- it's a ton of fun. The alpha zombie has poor camo, and the zombies have 110% speed, and 50% health, no sheilds, save the alpha zombie which has 90% health, no sheilds. Everyone has a 10 metre range radar and the last man gets a 25 metre range radar. A special thanks goes to my friend Brandon Lavoie, who helped me with some of the geomerging in the initial zombie spawn room. Dead Space is also prepared for Slayer and Oddball, but those are really the only other gametypes that can be used on this map. Enjoy and please give feedback! Thanks.
looks like fun! great merging from what i can see, the idea is a bit overused, but seems to work fine with your map. youve got a dl from me! 5/5
Looks like I'll have a lot of fun playing this, and I guess I'll download it right away. You did a great job with the interlocking and the gameplay seems to suit your map. The design is outstanding. Great job hope to see more in the future.
Ok lately iv been seeing maps that just dont meet the needs of a DL for me, but this one has really got me into dl form a look and most likely a play. This map looks flawless with many routs and corners\vents and claustrophobic rooms and hallways. Im really looking forward to play this map and seeing more from you Mander
This looks really well forged, and thought out. I like all the vents and different ways for the zombies to sneak up on the humans. I defintily think that this is better than haunted manor. 5/5
May I suggest that you DON'T type in white font? Because people who still use the Old School forum skin can't see the white font that you type. See? Although, there is no rules for typing in white font it's annoying for people to switch to the other skins available. So, that's why I recommend you change to color of the font so we can read it without changing to a different forum skin. Back On-Topic now... I really have no recommendations for you to fix the map in any way. All the interlocking and merging looks really clean and well done with no mistakes. When I get a chance I will write up a more proper review of the map. I like the idea of the Zombies coming out of the vents hidden within the map and really gives you the feel of "What's going to happen next?" I will be sure to download the map, and maybe sometime during TGIF I will get a chance to play it. Very nice job on the map, and keep it up.
Damn, I thought putting it in white would be a good idea as I've seen complaints on other threads about gray being to hard to see. I guess there's just no pleasing everyone.
Reminds me alot of the real game. I am starting to like infection because people like you are coming out with better better ideas instead of another Fat Kid map, or fast moving one shot zombies. I am designing a whole zombie campaign and it will have many levels. Good job!
Wow, looks pretty good. I really like the vent system. Would you mind making a slayer variant? Because I think it would be a pretty good slayer map, especially FFA King of the Hill. Anyway, back to the infection map. All I can really say is 4.6/5 . There may be one problem though: from the pictures I can see that you need to 'hop' to ascend on the curved staircase. This, in combination with the zombie Swords, can hurt gameplay.
Au contraire my friend, the beauty of the curved staircase is that you can only go one way fast on it. Yes you have to jump up it, so choose wisely before going that way. It's of aesthetical nature and makes for great asymmetrical gameplay. This staircase has gotten many compliments during the test games. Besides, if I wanted to make it walkable both ways then it'd take dozens of boxes to make it.
I played this and I'm telling you- it should be FEATURED. This is definately definately the best infection map made to date IMO. I'm a huge fan of Work Space and this sequel is better in every way. You got everything right: -The vents are in the ceiling -There are many ways for the zombies to go, so humans cant's just camp and kill at the vent exits -The geomerging and interlocking make the map look wonderful -The weapons are well-placed and make for a fun game -The map is big, and designed well -The ventilation system is designed well so that humans can't get into it (thanks to those merged mancannons in the downstairs vents) -While there are good places for humans to make a stand, they're not cheap and it isn't too hard for the zombies to get them (unlike that one spot on Work Space). Pretty much everyspot has two entrances on the map, so games aren't a campfest. This makes it fair for both sides- good job! -The gametype is really well done and suits the map well. Seriously, people need to start noticing this map- it deserves to be featured! (Way, way better than 'Help's on the Way' - the first place zombie map)
haha i love how on my post of your oringal map i got warned for spam anyways i downloaded and this map is FANTASTIC one thing you might want to do with the balconies is geomerge or interlock some window panels to make it look like a railing not just a barrier OVERALL 5/5 it plays amazingly grats
This map is awesome. The spiral staircase is very impressive, you lined it up just right. I played a game of this with my friends and it was one of the best infection games I've played in a while. Great idea and great map!
Thanks. About the part about the railings, I'm out of window panels on the map, and if I had a full railing then one wouldn't beable to jump onto the balcony from the downstairs table- a key jump in gameplay. I think the barriers have the effect that I want them too. Thanks for the great feedback though, and if anyone else comments about the barriers then I'll look into changing it.
This map looks awesome me and my friends played this few days ago or whatever it was forged really good and gamaplay was fun. i especialy like the vents the zombies go through, but i only concern for the map name for some reason it doesnt really fit the style. i mean i get the vents zombies coming through but thats it. Nice job 4.5/5
i think that if you did it right the rails would come out to be the same height as the barriers..... oh well it doesnt take away from the map i love it. me and my friends play this so much. its actually realllly fun to be the zombies unlike on some infection maps
Thanks, it's hard to get a picture that really shows all the different ways you can go , but I'll take it to theatre mode and see if I can't get a couple more shots of the vents for you.