New MLG Styles Hey everybody, I was looking at the new maps coming out and I recently started to notice something. Every map that comes out on foundry is the same. I know Sandbox came out but that doesn't mean people are going to stop forging on Foundry. But every MLG map that comes out on Foundry are the same. They might have a little bit of difference here and there, but they all have the same basic thing to them. I just want to say that I think it would start a new revolution in MLG if everybody started making new styles of MLG maps on Foundry. Try new things and see how they work. It could come out to be the next big thing in forging. The only reason I mde this thread is to put the idea out there to create your own style and be creative.
Well onsluaght and amplified have set the standard for MLG maps so high that it is hard to make anything as good. Many maps use onslaughts wall because it is the best, and who can blame them? I have noticed Both Cenetoph as well as Regicide were very sucsessful and they were both aesymetrical. There are many unexplored gaps but not many people can come up with something that could compete with these superdiants. The best bet for something new is aesymetrical as proven by Cenotaph and Regicide. ~ForgeGod117~
they are all basically the same except for regicide and cenetaph like forgegod said.They all have the 2 alike bases,a middle wall,and 2 ramps the go on each side. If more people could do creative things like regicide and cenetaph, MLG would go in a whole new direction
In one or two aspects, they are the same but not that actual map itself. Sure, it uses the same guidelines but that is because they probably do that so MLG players do not have to study up on even more tactics or something. On Foundry, they were all the same only because they were given the same kind of materials. They differ from each other greatly though. Amplified, Cenotaph, Lockdown, Regicide and many other MLG maps differ from each other a lot. I think that anything is possible. Sandbox has a lot to offer with all of the different variations of sizes and textures. The premise will remain the same but forgability of MLG maps will excel. Happy face for MLG players.
The problem people complain about is the standard Onslaught/Midship setup is repeated by literally everyone in Halo. Flag base at each end, side towers/bases, and a bridge connecting the two side towers, this pattern is repeated everywhere. Centotaph and Regicide happen to not be flag maps, so they differ greatly, but there have been several good non-Onslaught copy maps like Omni and Unleashed that work for flag as well.
Think of it this way. The geometry to most maps is either a rough copy of Onslaught or Amplified except with a few changes here and there. Anybody who takes a trip down to the MLG sub forum will notice that 1 out of every 4 maps gets flamed for copying Onslaught or Amplified. 1 out of the remaining 3 is flamed for not being up to MLG standards. And the remaining two are usually flamed for not being good. Because of all these standards the MLG forum is a gridlock. However Cenotaph and Regicide have opened up new door for MLG maps and they need to be utilized. Great thread Star of knights. This is something that needs to be debated.
Personally, I feel that most MLG maps are too spartan, if you'll excuse the pun. They are all basically built the same way and with the same layout, with only minor changes to structures, cover, etc. I feel that there needs to be an uplifting of the ideal that all structures should be accessible and traversable (not a word, I know). Basically, I admire the base towers on Amplified because, not only do they cut off vital LoS, but they also can be stood on top of and integrated into the battleground. If we can expand on this concept of utility in MLG maps, then I think their quality and uniquity will skyrocket. Also, I believe that creating more whole-structure style maps is definitely a prospect to look into. An example of this would be Xyience (Flux). The whole map feels like an actual map, not just two bases, a centerpiece, and some walkways. In general, I want to see accesssible, connected, dynamic, and unique maps in the future from the MLG mapmaking community. Unless you have a surefire way to spice up someone else's idea, make something new. That is simply my desire, not my command. Do whatever you want to do, but please at least consider my advice in the creation of your maps.
There are some other maps that have been successful besides the onslaught type maps, just to name a good amount for you that aren't regicide or cenotaph Xyience (Flux) Omni Triumph Lockdown [which btw is in the pro circuit just so ya know] Unleashed Those are just a few, while alot of people make MLG maps the same, think of it this way on Foundry. MLG is aiming for competitive fast-paced gameplay. Now competitive, that works best with symmetrical maps right because they are completely balanced. Now with fast paced. Well the square area where most maps are built allows good fast-paced gameplay that gives you a good amount of room to be creative. If you use foundry's back halls/bases that can slow down gameplay by a pretty good amount. So forgers tend to use that square because it is just simply the best for the MLG style of gameplay. The assymmetric maps like Cenotaph are great but they just don't work as well as the Symmetric arenas do and it really limits the map as to which gametypes it can work well with down to Slayer and very rarely ball. So in summary, while it may get annoying seeing all of the maps that stick to the same mold, it is what works the best out of all so cant blame the forgers. It does have the best gameplay out of the MLG style. So really you just gotta deal with it and realize that at least the best of these types of maps will stick out above the rest.
Hey ,man,thankx for the compliment,lol,yea I know,I would really love to see some new styles,I know there is a couple that are different but it would be nice to see like a competition to see who can make the most unique MLG map
Yes that is a perfect example of how creative people can be when they want to be, and i am sure if other people tried to come up with something new like he did,then there would be hundreds of different types of MLG maps out there.
yes i fully agree with you,they do differ greatly,but i think everybody needs to follow in there foot steps and make creative maps of there own