Tornado Made by ii MagiikZz Let me first say that this is my new account, I changed my name on X-Box live from MufcDude to ii MagiikZz and I wanted to change my name on ForgeHub too. Over to the map. Tornado is a double-wide racetrack. The main part of the track is basicly a spiral. Most of it is banked. It includes a sheild-door elevator and an uncheatable finish. (I think.) You can use the normal RACETRACKS gametype or maybe BATTLETRACKS but i don't quite know how to play battletracks. Pics Mongoose/Player Spawns The Shield door elevator The first part of the spiral More of the spiral More of the spiral More of the spiral Last part of the spiral The finish line/Lap counter One of the ground turns Download P.S Can somebody please tell me the rules of battletracks or give me a link to the rules because i don't know how to play it.
hah, awesome. that is one of the most epic spirals i have ever seen ^_^. i don't know the rules of battletracks, and i don't have the link for you, but i do know that there are random weapons stationed throughout the race. for example, around the inner side of the spiral, there would be a plasma pistol mounted on a weapon holder. either way, i am dl-ing this. oh, and you must embed the racetrack variant.
Great track. Its got smooth interlocking and I love the spriral. I like how you made the elevator for the beggining of the track. Nice idea and its good. Overall 5/5 no improvements needed
This track seems alot like one by Itz Flair. 0/5 for originality, but the rest is perfectly fine. The banks and interlox are very smooth and an easy racer. 5/5 for neatness, and 5/5 for playablilty. Overall: 4/5
can I just mention that I would have made it bettet and longer but the infinate budget glitch didnt work for no reason.
This is pretty smooth,but technically all the track is is a big spiral shaped thing.It has a pretty cool start but yoo could of made some merges at the start.Overall rating is 3.5/5 becasue lack of space. -MLG.V-
This track looks pretty good. I agree with DRST, it does look alot like my map Salberd, but it still looks cool! The elevator does look a bit undependable and I can see many bumps which I'm sure could possible screw up your driving. It looks extremely short and you could have used ALOT more of your boxes to stretch the length of the track. Overall, I think the map deserves a 4/5 rating since it still looks pretty smooth Here is how you play battletracks: -There are no rules in Battletracks, literally, none. There are things you have to do in order to play the game right and have fun though. -You set up teams of two, preferablly adleast 4 teams in total. -The VIP drives the mongoose and the teammate gets on the back and shoots their opponents -There are multiple BT game variants. For instance, there is the original, Battle Tracks then there is Battle Snipes, Battle Lasers, Battle Joust(swords) Battle BR's, ect. -So the VIP basically drives through the racetrack attempting to not get killed, which depends on your teammate on your back. There are certain things you have to do to your map in order for it to be compatible with BT. -There should be adleast bordering and you can get, which allowed opponents to shoot each other from across the map -On the sides of the track, you may add equipment or weapons the odd time to spice up the gameplay. Power weapons are not acceptable. These are rocket launchers, brute shots, plasma pistols, or anything that would be overlly powerful. -The spawn system must be set up for BT which is putting starting points beside each other, two behind each mongoose and each pair labelled a different team. You must also have respawn points and the mongooses MUST be on instant respawn. -Spawn killing is not supported whatsoever. It is very annoying to the players who are getting spawn killed and can ruin the entire game. Also, while playing Battle Lasers standing around in the middle of the track and lasering people while they are racing is also not supported. It is most enjoyable if people do not wait around in the middle of the track while in a game, and preffered that they continue to race and shoot. Well, that's pretty much it for how to play battletracks. I realise this is a very long comment, but it will definitly be helpful if you would like to build battletracks maps in the future. Agian, great effort on the map and cant wait for more from you!