Pen and paper, paint, charcoal, photography. I'm making a sculpture currently out of 2 TVs and aluminium cans.
Yeah thats another whole area of art. Im talking about GFXing. I do do abstract drawings and photography, i just dont post it here.
Here you go hpm now you can sleep as your request has been filled. Now everyone can stop whining because we all know their sigs suck anyways. I made this Cardboard penguin in art class. Its made out of cardboard pieces glued into a penguin shaped, painted black and white, with some type of polyester string covering it making it a fuzzy cardboard penguin. It currently resides above my computer.
Damn Penguinish, that's one fuzzy penguin. If clay didn't take so long to work with I'd be able to show you picture of my turtle I'm making. Right now it only has a shell, three legs, and half a head...
Well, what is it you want. Are we not giving you enough variety? Sigs are a good way to learn photoshop or gimp, and a lot of people on a forum have sigs, so, having everyone making sigs is no problem. And when you say "and Wallpapers" thats just idiotic. A lot of work, for me, just starts out as an image, but once i am done, i realize it is a good size for a wallpaper, and thats what i use it for. So what is it that you want. Recently, people have been posting a lot of photography, and every once in a while, thanks to Knight Kninja, we get to see some cool web designs.
Well what have YOU done interesting, Hotpokkamminny? Apart from create a terribly hard to remember username..
I'd like to see that, it sounds pretty win in my opinion Also, more photos I've taken... Speed of Sound Suburban Streetlights