Just a funny screenshot I took while on live. Hope you like it, I sure do. http://i553.photobucket.com/albums/jj387/RoytheHunter5252/61959111-Full.jpg Here's the download link Halo 3 File Details Thanks for viewing!
okay... your forgehub post is not up to standards, you need put put [\img] and it is / not \ in place of the url codes... please edit. [b] Now nobody else comment about how he needs to edit his pics...[/b]
A couple things.Lol and the first one where it says "obama is legit"isn't funny.(ruined gamertag.)And the second one is funny.3/5 because of how you didn't embed your pictures and Panda,if you report me then why?I am just telling him why he got his rating and I am talking about the pictures and you are waaaay off topic,please talk about the topic,gosh,people these days.
Arn't you just the most helpful person @ the guy who took the picture. Somebody spelled awesome wrong.
-_- seen it too many times. I don't think pretending to kill our president at an xbox 360 game, taking a screenshot, and posting it on a gaming forum to laugh at our president is a very funny thing.
QFT. In some ways this can be misconstrued as a threat. But since we're on a /halo website, we know it as a joke. An old, repetitive joke, but a joke nonetheless.
I would laugh if it was something like chris brown and riahanna ,or something like that, but that is just not right. So don't get me wrong when I criticize you.
Meh, killing the president isn't really a laughing matter no matter what side you are on. I don't really think this is appropriate...