This is my first post on forge hub. This is a vary difficult obstacle course. I've made maps like this before but the Twisted Path maps were much harder than the others. The Point of the game is to get to the territory by yourself and with the equipment I give you. When you get there you get a cookie and a hug. ^_^ Every obstacle in the map is a clever trap that thought up and the punishment for failing at a trap is normally death. Keep in mind this map is extremely difficult and take a lot of time and practice. If anyone needs any help message me, I'd be glad to put you on the right path. This is one trap I didn't want to spoil anything for anyone. The map is here Halo 3 File Details The gametype is here Halo 3 File Details
Here's a link. You need to fix your post, sir. Screenshots are not workin'. EDIT: Yaha! First post, I win!
Your pics do not work. Please go HERE to learn how to embed your pics properly. Please read the Forum Rules located in the menu of the site to prevent further problems. As for the map, I have gone to your Bnet service record to check out the pics. I can't really tell much about it because the map seems quite plain with just a few floating objects. Embed your pics, and explain the gametype so that people can understand it more. EDIT: Gah!! Gunnergrunt beat me to it!
Hey i LOVE these types of maps i'll be sure to download even without the working picture and i'll be sure to tell you what i thought of it and also NO ONE POST ABOUT THIS NOT BEING UP TO FORGEHUB STANDARDS I WILL REPORT IT AS SPAM he already knows from the other 2 people
1. Are my pics working now? (I ask b/c I thought they were working before but I guess they weren't) 2. It is quite a plan, these are clever traps and I don't need a lot of objects to be clever. So don't judge a book by its cover. 3. As for the gametype all you have to do is get to the end. =P