Boom Hill Created by who da man81 Supported Gametypes: king of the hill and slayer Map Description this map has a hill at the high point of the map. the hill never moves. this map did not need much interlocking because of how it was made. basically you just try to take the hill and hold it for as long as you can. there are weapons placed at different spots of the map. by the way fusion coils fall at on the path to the hill. THIS MAP IS MEANT TO BE OPEN the path to the hill the hill overview of the map from the right overview of the map from the left how to control the hill this is what the fusion coils do me defending the hill person flying just want to say thanks to everyone that leaves feedback Download Boom Hill Download GAMETYPE NAME HERE
you're going to hear this alot, so be prepared to take in the butt XP Your map is too open, you should add walls, Blah Blah BLAH! The idea seems fun, it might have been done before, but I havn't seen it. Make a V.2 (if you want)...happy forging! >
You try telling them that and see what they say. It will probly be along the lines of, "you can still close off a good protion of the map and instead of having weapons droped on the ground you can add a little cover and more than one way to the top of the hill."
I'm crying.... I joined forge hub for good maps and fun contests but seeing that makes me think, who the $@*& do you think you are posting a map that anybody could make in under 30 seconds, I'm sorry but that map is terrible!!!!
a little unnessicary, don't ya think. He's new to forgehub, hell, he might be new to forge in general, but you don't have to be an arrogant, little-asshole. Understand?!!
i like the idea. maybe you should make a trigger so the person causes the coils to drop on people. it would be funny and fun xD
I think it would be cool if you had fusion coils spawn and roll down the hill donkey-kong style. And the double walls on the ground are useless and are in the way. But apart from that, I completely agree with Kevin. I would say he's being harsh, but the fact of the matter is, i'll probably receive a spam infraction for this post (although i did DL). Point being, Forgehub is (failing at being) a "professional" site. I dont really want to see maps like this, just opening this thread has become a complete waste of time, and its pretty frustrating. Although I note that you took the time to make a correct post with working pics and all, but forgehub = forge good
this looks exactly like donkey kong except like 10times worse.......... agreed a mod should delete this post.... nothing special here just a hell of a lot of frustration from the players id assume. one good thing: the king can have fun rapeing the few who get past the fusion coils. oh just bring a sniper and spawn kill thats always fun..... haha NOT
he meant his double post... anyway to the map I like the idea but it's not that original and also what is with the walls on the ground extending out farther past the ramp for a while? seems unnecessary.
Forgehub, to me is a place were we can all learn to become better game designers. That said, no one has any right to tell someone their map is not good enough for this site. If that is the case than I won't post here either. It's that kind of attitude that has ruined Bnet. Everyone was new here once, and everyone came here with various skill levels when it came to forging. If a map is not as well received by the community, then it will eventually make it's way down the forum pages. It's not your job, or my job to add insult to injury. If I made this post, I'd turn my head and never come back to this site. Which probably happened, because he hasn't responded since every one started to act like Roger Ebert around here. Usually people are on point with their threads, especially new folks. It's a shame. Hell, I'm having second thoughts of posting here again. Just like the step by step picture tutorial for embedding pics, I hate to say it, but I think some people here need a lesson in constructive criticism.
Well then buddy you can just get the heck out and resign your account then! Don't lose your cool like that man, you take away from what little warm fuzziness is left from this place.