Sandbox Pillar Pounce V1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by thumtac, Mar 13, 2009.


How is this map?

  1. Stupendous! No Complaints!

    6 vote(s)
  2. Great! Only Small Improvements!

    6 vote(s)
  3. Good! Nice Start but Needs Re-working!

    3 vote(s)
  4. Mediocre! Needs to be completely redone!

    0 vote(s)
  5. Garbage! Burn this map and never try it again!

    1 vote(s)
  1. thumtac

    thumtac Ancient
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    Pillar Pounce V1
    Created by Thumtac

    This is my seconds legitimite map. High Rise Bumper Cars being the first.

    Supported Gametypes:
    Pillar Pouncers:
    -10 rounds
    -2 Initial Zombies
    -1 life per round
    -5-14 players no more than 14.

    -Good Camo
    -Needler start
    -300% speed

    -Poor Camo
    -Regular Human Characteristics
    -Magnum start
    -0% damage

    The goal in playing this map as a human is to stay on the pillars for two minutes without being knocked off by the two zombies that spawn. By jumping around on the pillars you can avoid needles rockets and brute shots but watch where you jump because you could just miss by an inch. Pay attention because you could be caught between two zombies with no chance of escape. Let's look at some pictures.

    Layout Screens
    This is an overview of the whole map complex

    This is a bird's eye view of the pillars. Humans cannot escape the area. The pallets are only there to increase the size of the area that you land on from jumping from pillar to pillar. However, these are destroyable and they never respawn so make use of them while you can.

    This is one of the four connecting vantage halls in which the zombies can spy on and shoot at the humans. No escape from these halls. Brute shots respawn on the walls after 20 seconds and rockets after 45. There were fuel rod guns that spawned after 60 but they don't for some reason. If found please contact me via PM system.

    This is the view out of one of the sixteen windows which the zombies use to fire at the humans

    Action Screens


    If you didn't get the idea of the map, here is the goals for the individual character class.

    Zombie: Using needlers, rockets, and brute shots knock all the humans off the pillars to their death
    Human: Survive 2 minutes of explosive carnage by jumping around the pillars and avoiding fire

    As with Bumper Cars, post your constructive criticism and I will start to compile changes for V2.

    Download Pillar Pounce V1
    Download Pillar Pouncers
    #1 thumtac, Mar 13, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2009
  2. Death Height

    Death Height Ancient
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    once again, you master a minigame! this looks great! just one question though. is it if they fall that pallet-thick down, do they die? is the pallet sitting on top of the grid?
    anyways, if possible, i think it would be cool if you made it multi-leveled lol.
    cant wait to dl! great job once again, 5/5!
  3. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    I think the idea for the map is great even though it sounds like another version of Pennyless. I like the looks of it but I think that brute shots need to be taken out and if the fuel rod guns dont spawn then they don't need to be kept in.
  4. DimmestBread

    DimmestBread Ancient
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    Are the palletes on instant respawn because You could shoot each pallet with one brute shot shot and eventually humans have nowhere to go.
  5. stevey101

    stevey101 Ancient
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    I had the same problem with fuel rod guns not spawning in on sandbox. I narrowed it down to the custom game type. After going through all the settings on it I could not find the problem so I created a new one. It fixed the problem.

    Nice map, I was thinking of doing something like this but you beat me to it. Besides this is much better than I would ever do. Ill give it a download and them rate it later
  6. toasted kittuns

    toasted kittuns Ancient
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    very creative map. it kinda reminds me of that termite game on foundry. but if the pallets instantly respawn, doesn't it make the pallets virtually useless besides that outer area? either way, can't you just land on the pillar? i recommend you put the pallets on a 2-5 second spawn and use teleporters to hold up the pallets.
  7. thumtac

    thumtac Ancient
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    First off the brute shots don't destroy the pallets but knock them out from under the teleporters after about three or four shots. But after a lot of testing I found that even when the pallets fall and stay in the arena, you are at an extreme disadvantage to be on the pallet because you can't get back up on the pillars so you are stuck and at the whim of the zombies. And the pallets do not need to be on instant respawn, they are on never respawn to make it harder for humans to survive.

    The pallets are just there to give more area to land on when you are jumping from pillar to pillar, in testing I found it was really hard to jump from pillar to pillar since they are very narrow, so I added never respawning pallets so that there is more of a chance to land on pallets but they never respawn so that by the end of the game you have to jump on the skinny bare pillars.
    And to the people who vote that the map needs re-working you need to say why or else I won't know what to fix.

    Also the brute shot is not godly on this map. It is useful but it requires a lot of strategy and timing to use.

    And to the people who voted for that this map needs re-working post WHY because I can't fix this map until I know what's wrong with it.

    And I don't see why I should remove the fuel rod gun because I want it to respawn eventually because that will be useful in this game.
  8. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    Very nice :) This looks alittle messy in some parts but that doesn't really matter in minigames. Then why would i be saying this, you may ask? We'll never know... bum bum buuuuh. This seems to remind me alot of pink monsters or whatever that was on Foundry (which owns) so this looks like a blast. 4/5 G-UNIT
  9. luckiesnipes

    luckiesnipes Ancient
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    I like it but i think humans should have good camo it would make for better gameplay on both sides because the zombies are fireing randomly to get the humans. Im just sayin it would absolutely be better
  10. Abibliophobia

    Abibliophobia Ancient
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    nice map I like the concept i give it 4/5
  11. PIZZA S4UC3

    PIZZA S4UC3 Ancient
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    looks like a fun mini map but couldnt they just stand on the colums when the pallets are gone?
  12. thumtac

    thumtac Ancient
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    I tested the map first with that gametype and it was TERRIBLE! It was impossible to do anything on the map. The needler of course was useless and what's the use firing rockets and brute shots randomly? Rarely ever did people get knocked off the edges. Poor camo is the best way to go.

    As I explained before, the pallets are only there to increase the platform size so that it is easier to jump around. Zombies try to knock humans off the platforms, not destroy the platform from under them. Once the pallets are destroyed they don't respawn so the pillar now only has half the area it had before.

    If people are saying that's what needs to be improved, that isn't a thing to be fixed. That is part of the map idea, I'm trying to make it harder for the humans to survive when the pallets are gone, not impossible. This isn't at all like termite nor is it supposed to be.
  13. penguin asassin

    penguin asassin Ancient
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    a little messy, but this is a really good idea. I well play this and give a better review later
  14. thumtac

    thumtac Ancient
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    When you say a little messy, that doesn't help. You have to refer to something and say: "Oh _______ on the map looks sort of messy"
  15. pablomeister

    pablomeister Ancient
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    good idea! maybe the zombies have a bit 2 many weapons but i dont know cause im dling it right now. anyways, looks neat and well forged. 9/10

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