Hello everyone i have made my successful map zombie rain from the foundry version and i made it onto sandbox and i also added new things to it so i think it balances out. Game Description: Ok starting zombie spawns at the top and drops down the little hole and he'll get a good view of which hole to drop down from. After 30 sec. into the game the map goes dark to add that extra boost of fear. Humans spawns at the bottom and starts out with magnums and must survive until time runs out and try not to scream when you die cause its really entertaining to us haha. After 3 min. into the game 2 mongooses spawns and you'll be able to drive around and do whatever for those who likes driving the mongoose. Theres weapons down there at your disposal and there is also a barrier on each of the corners of the map(look up though before gettting behind the barriers). Click HERE to download map Click HERE to download gametype The Weapons: 4x Shotgun 4x Sniper Rifle 4x Magnum 4x Maulers 5x Battle Rifle Pictures: Overview/Zombie Spawn: Starting Zombie Spawn: Human Spawn: Mongooses: Action Shots: I got owned: REVENGE: Splattered: Didnt worked out so good: If you managed to survive you have gained victory and have escaped the dreaded place with your brothers:
This looks really fun! I've seen many like this but yours seems to stand out well. I like the fact that you made holes over the little barrier areas so someone can't camp with the snipe All i could see that needs improvement is the weapons, maybe different spawn times, like later you get a snipe (say 45 sec?) or something like that. If thats how it is sorry if i missed it 4/5
yah i was thinking about doing the timed weapons but i just said no to it because to me i think its sorta stupid
It's not stupid to add in timed, weps, they really add to the chaos of such a game! Although there are holes i still think there should be slightly more cover in the centre areas. Cheers mate
seems like a preatty good map i give you credit for originality but be ready for copy cats man ok just a warning.
I tried it out with a few people and it was pretty good. I'm going to try it out with a big party sometime. Its very well made. 4/5
i played the map last night it really does run smoothly but the zombies should be a little less strong and make the wepons not respawn
i don't understand. Do they fall through one hole, our multiple ones? and give the humans a brute shot, if you haven't
Very nice idea. This runs very smoothly except that the zombies are too strong in my opinion. Everything else is awesome in my opinion. Great idea right here. 4/5
i like it but i would put a grav lift where the zombies spawn that forces them into a teleporter that randomly drops them through one of the holes, that way you dont have the zombie just sitting up there and not coming down cause they dont want to die.
I found one minor flaw when playing this map with some friends. When i was a zombie i fell off the side and couldnt get back up haha so wen ur playing this map try not to fall off the side when your a zombie lol