This is my second map I've made. This one I am proud of, me and my brother did it, it took about 6 hours because this is my first map with merging, etc. Also, this is the first serious map we made, so we are very proud of it. Interlocking is not great, but it works. It is made especially for neutral assault. I know it looks like you can jump over the walls, but the game variant with it doesnt make that happen. 1. Base 1 2.Base2 3. Middle 4. Overview Map is here Halo 3 File Details Game Variant is here Halo 3 File Details and thx EDIT:I didnt really spend 6 hours on this, it would have been 6 hours if I had done it alone, but my brother helped, he is the one who did the outside walls.
Ok, I really cannot tell what is going on here, you didnt provide much of a description. Also, what weapons does it have? One thing thats bothering me is if you spent 6 hours on the map, why are the flag spawns not straight? I think that if I spent that much time, I would've at least done that as well. I also wonder why there are trip mines on top of the wall corners?
you're saying that you spent six hours and came up with this? the walls around the circumference are very sloppily done. some parts that look symmetrical/intended to be symmetrical are off. it really subtracts from the gameplay. and what are the weapons on the map? also, what are the traits of the custom variant?
It looks like a good idea gone wrong. I would at least like to know what weapons are placed on the map, and what makes your map unique. Is this map designed for fast paced games, long but entertaining games, etc? Also, from the looks, and I'm normally not too big on this but the walls looks off. Fix them up a bit and give a better description is some good advice I can give ya! Good luck!
Sometimes it doesn't matter how the map looks, actually it never matters, it is all about the game play. The famous saying never judge a book by it's cover could be the message of this map. I am going to download this and get a good game of neutral assault game going, sence you say that is what the map was made for. I will hopefully be back with a review on how gameplay looks.
Well, first off, it's pretty sloppy. I would consider straightening the flag spawns, walls, and some boxes. Secondly, where is this interlocking and merging that you speak of? I see none. You should clean it up for a V2. 2/5
u guys all are REALLY bitchy about "oh your walls are SLIGHTlY off" or "oh why isnt that wall perfectly geomerged" sometimes people just want to get a map done and dont take all the time in the world to perfect a wall okay with that said: i think its okay. its be tight if there was a tunnel around the outside of the arena so that they would just have to go back and fourth. otherwise it looks descent
All I have to say is that I hope for your sake that the flags are a 5 hit beatdown or peopel are gonna camp the hell out of those sheild doors. Also the mancannon can be stepped into at an angle and it shoots you out of the map.