Thia is one of my first maps that me and my friend made. This map is for: Team slayer, and multi flag only This map is just a map with 2 big bases and a smll middle part to make those capture the flag games tougher and team slayer games. Weapons/Equipment 2 spikers 1 rocket 13 brs 2 needlers 1 shotgun 2 maulers 3 machine gun turrets 2 sentinal beams 1 brute shot 1 sniper 4 smgs 1 bubble shield 2 drain-o's 1 regenerator 10 plasma gernades 1 plasma pistol Now for some pics Overview Overview(different angle) Red Base Blue base Blue base different angle Middle Middle (Different angle) Rockets spawn sniper spawn Link to download map: Halo 3 File Details
Looks even and well forged but if you don't mind me asking whats the point of the huge tower? Looks like it plays well, try and get some action shots if possible.
Me and my friend were having a base building contest (me blue him red) and i wanted to have the highest tower and i went a little overboard
Far too many weapons for such as small map, and a majority of them are power weapons as well. I would suggest having many ways inbetween bases so game play is better and spawn camping is less prevalent.
I would like to ask you one thing: how does the dead ends in the bases affect the gaemplay? It looks to me like it would play like Conquest only with slayer instead of territories: lots of easy spawn traps. For a v2 I believe you should fill the map out more, creating more of map where you can skillfully wonder (like many of Bungie's maps, Halo 2's favs in particualar). Right now it looks a sorts of bland so some major improvements could definately be made.