Thanks. I’d like to know what you think of this one. I know you tend to make your maps a little more on the original/creative side but I hope you like it. Thanks a lot. It’s a fair comment about the “empty spaces†in the corner. But actually that was intended. It makes a nice place to spawn since we both agreed that the vast majority of spawn points should be down low on the map so that you have to fight your way back up once you die and you aren’t just put in the best position on the map right away. The corners are kind of tucked away and have cover to use should you be seen as you spawn so that’s why we thought the empty spaces were necessary. If we’d left little space down low, then we think the respawning system would have suffered. Thanks a lot for the feedback though – it’s always good to get a bit of fair, constructive criticism. Thanks to you as well.
This map will always stay on my HD. More of the new people need to be seeing and playing this or the MLG version.
I agree squid. I wish the map was a little bigger because it would be perfect for an official MLG map. Outside of all 3 Lockouts (Lockout, Guardian, Blackout) there haven't really been any other asymmetrical maps. I think you should really work on creating an MLG map that would actually work well in competitions because the map/gametype selection is the only thing holding back the MLG playlist.
I can not overstress how beautiful this map is. It is one of few I have downloaded that still remain on my hard drive. The game play is superb. Construction; next to none. I have incorporated several features of this map into my own, specifically; the walls at the edges of several key areas. This map (aside from my own, of course) is my favorite. Obviously much thought and skill went into its creation. IMO, Bungie could take note of many of its features. We all long for smaller, more competitive type maps and this is an excellent inclusion into any library. I vote; instead of childish remakes of huge, open boards, a Bungie remake of Inertia!
As a matter of fact, you are. Check the first page, the link is right at the top, or you can scroll down to the link for the MLG version.
I am not a fan of overpowering maps, which I am sur you are a fan of too, bu sometimes too little weapons are even worse than rockets, hammers, and swords. Am I making ny sense at all? Im sick, so I am a little delerious.
The other day I fired up this map for a little Team Oddball action... and there is a little teeny tiny problem with it, you left a starting spawn point out side of the map. I was very sad from this and can not get over this slight problem, I'm in a deep depression because of this. I can get it off my mind. HOW MANY PEOPLE MUST SUFFER FROM THIS SLIGHT LITTLE PROBLEM. I fixed it for me but that's the only problem I have ever had with this map.
Are you referring to the MLG version? MLG maps typically don't have too many power weapons (a combination of Rockets, mauler, and sniper depending on size), especially for small maps like this. All he has is a sniper, carbines, and a custom power up, which IMO works perfectly for this map. The map is just a little small, but I would love to see a larger asymmetrical MLG map because they work so much better than symmetrical MLG maps on Foundry. All MLG symmetrical MLG Foundry maps have spawn issues.
Looks great. The pic above the sentinel pic looks like an optical illusion. It looks like hes is jumping onto the box with a wall right over head but the wall is actually farther in the background. I dunno if I was the only one who saw this but it was wierd
There are two pictures with the sentinel beam being used. please explain further dude. _________________ I would love to see this map in MM. It works perfectly for TS and Obj. games.
Do i see recon in the eleventh picture or have i just dangerously OD'ed on caffiene? Lol anyway the map looks nice but i cant say anything concrete till i DL it and play more to come,
i love the map and i also love how you put more weapons on the map but like other people said the sentinel is a little to much
You see it all right. The co-creator of the map, ash, works as a mod for Bungie, so that and getting the maps early are the benefit he gets for working that side job. If only MLG played doubles on their circuit, this map would be perfect for it.