/\/\/\/\helm's deep/\/\/\/\/\ this helm's deep map is made by cd makers and this map took me 2 days of work and its harder the what you think /\/\/\/gametype/\/\/\/\ uri ki the gametype is infection and two people are infected ----alpha zombies---- pick up weapons [yes] pick up grenade [yes] get in vehicles [yes] 100% hp 100% speed 100% gravity weapon 1 energy sword weapon 2 gravity hammer ifinite ammo [no] colour [brown] ----zombies---- pick up weapons [yes] pick up grenade [yes] get in vehicles [yes] 100% hp 100% speed 100% gravity weapon 1 energy sword weapon 2 magnum ifinite ammo [yes] colour [brown] ----humans---- pick up weapons [yes] pick up grenade [yes] get in vehicles [yes] 100% hp 100% speed 100% gravity weapon 1 assault rifle weapon 2 energy sword ifinite ammo [no] colour [nomal] ----last man standing---- pick up weapons [yes] pick up grenade [yes] get in vehicles [yes] 110% hp 110% speed 100% gravity weapon 1 assault rifle weapon 2 energy sword infinite ammo [yes] colour [nomal] /\/\/\/\/screenshots/\/\/\/\/\ /\/\/\/\/\weapons/\/\/\/\/ 3x battle rifles 1x shotgun 3x sniper rifles 1x smg 1x magnum 1x rocket launcher 7x energy swords 2x gravity hammers 2x mauler /\/\/\/equipment/\/\/\/\ 1x frag grenade 3x plasma grenade 2x spike grenade 4x firebomb grenade 1x bubble shield 1x power drain 2x trip mine /\/\/\/vehicles/\/\/\/\/\ 2x wraith (can not move) /\/\/\/\/\description/\/\/\/\/\ you can hear the thunderus bangs from the gravite hammers as they break down the main gate the spartans and elites try to defend from the ura ki some of them got caught and there limbs ribbed off but most servived now it is your time to defend
You need to embed your screenshot/s, if its not fixed in 24 hours, your thread will be locked. Click me for a guide Or me
YOU NEED SCREENSHOTS. YOU HAVE APPROXIMATELY 4 HOURS BEFORE THE HORDE OF FORGEHUB ZOMBIES EAT YOUR SOUL. YOUR THREAD WILL THEN BE LOCKED WITHIN 24 HOURS. k, now that i got you scared, the pics must also be embedded. go to the forums to see the whole embedding thing. anyways, is the map available for anything besides infection? i can't judge w/o the pics. and lastly, is this on sandbox?
So.. He is a Jew And black? That's a new one. *Perm infraction* Abbout the map: after you got pictures, it looks great layout wise but I saw that some the walls are crookedly interlocked. I wold suttest you interlock them better. Also you could flip the double boxes over to create cleaner pathaways. The bridges too. Otherwise, the map looks great! 3.5/5
Okay a few things I would suggest you fix- Sloppy interlocking. I see some walls that are a little crooked and it doesn't look very smooth. Just straighten them out and it'll look cleaner. Other than that I think the gametype sounds fun and I'll try and download it later. Map rating: 3/5 for sloppiness. Gametype rating: 5/5
it seems to me that the humans shouldnt have swords... anyhow this map looks pretty good once again: sloppy interlocking make a version two and fix that.
Honestly this looks like an exact copy of another Helms Deep I saw except that it was on the other side of the map. I'll edit after checking. Edit: Yup it's pretty much the same so unfortunately rating on originality only you get a 0/5 because you copied it on the other side but like the older version I played it does play well if the zombies knows what they are doing. No overall rating.
Ok ignoring all that text above. The map looks great. Just next time might want to interlock some of the parts that looked rushed.(not saying it was) But other then that nice.