dunno, but your name seems to make the nickname-making process extremely easy... whereas it'll be a bit of thought to make one for Mooregames
Yay! I can haz thought! LOL... I'm working on it. I should have saved a psd... silly me. I am starting-ish from scratch-ish... Do you ever log off?!?!?! Lol.
Sarge =O are you abandoning the logo I made for you in Orangeremi's thread *SOBSOBSOBSOBSOBOBOBOBOBO* (sob like cry sarge --) but seriously gore how did you do that?
Well I just downloaded the Adobe CS3 demo for like the fifth time, so I will try. Im an amature at photoshops, so dont expect anything amazing. Lol, I bet you never log off and your going to reply four seconds after I post this.
why does everyone think I never log off? I sleep for like 12 freakin hours on weekends.. lol but okay opo
I know you log off, i'm just joking, but you did reply 2 minutes after I posted my messege. Oh ya, CS3 is being stupid, does anyone have a S/N I can use?
The second one... I am so ridiculously busy right now... I haven't done anything but schoolwork for the last week.... I'll attempt it if I have time. Sorry Sarge....
I'm sorry. I'll try to get to it ASAP... Wait... Sarge is logged off? :squirrel_wtf: LOl... that never happens.
How about this, but you just cut off the lower section [img width=512 height=800]http://www.callmyadagency.com/media/Brain-collage-w--box.gif[/img]
Getting a bit off topic... Sarge, I will try and make one now, but I need to know what, you have so vague!