WELCOME TO ELM STREET Created By: A Grazing Panda Gametypes: Ice Cream Man; 3-16 players Overview: Elm Street is was a friendly fun loving community. Kids played outside with one another and everybody loved their lives until they heard the jingle warning them that the ice cream man was coming. Parents gave their kids money to buy their favorite treats. The truck toppled around the corner and the driver gave a mean look at the kids. The parents suddenly realized that the man was out to kill the little ones. Thinking only about themselves, moms and dads flew inside the house and left the kids out to die. As the mad man races towards their beating hearts, the kids notice a special treat that fell out of the truck as the driver took the sharp turn. It's a race between life and death. Get the ice cream treat and take out the ice cream man before he wipes out all the little kids who once lived on Elm Street. Disclaimer: I know I didn't create the actual "Ice Cream Man" but this is a version that I made. It is going to be the best and most fun version you've ever played. Gameplay & Features Elm Street includes eight house with doors and chimneys, bouncing walls between houses, professional bordering so Warthog nor kids can escape, perfect working spawn points, and a small little treat and the end of the road. Elm Street is meant to be played with the gametype Ice Cream Man. Made for the maximum 16 players. The more the merrier. Pictures: [/url] OverView One [/url] OverView Two [/url] The Street [/url] A House [/url] Zombie Lane Download Link: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=69693729 Gametype Link: http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=69693721
Wow! Great and fun gameplay. I love it and its great. Fun with a lot of people. 5/5 No improvements needed
its been done before, though this looks better with the merging. houses could be a bit better though. ill give you a 4/5. youve got a dl from me
xpwn3r kidx: Thank you for the good feedback. I'm glad you liked it a lot. Xsnip3 XoutX &Death Height: Thank you for the feedback but I'm not sure what you mean by the houses are badly shaped. Most houses on these maps just have a single box and a roof. I added doors to six of the eight houses and chimneys to each house. So by those means, I thought my houses were different and pretty good. Anyways, if you could give me a link to a map with houses that you are talking about or just describe them to me I would appreciate it.
i think the houses look great. i think there could've been more places to hide but thats just me. is the zombie slow so that its discouraged to get out of the warthog? cuz i could see the zombie just getting out and swording everyone
Ive played this, or at least a game almost exactly the same. It pretty fun, but can get a little old fast. I would suggest raising the speed just a notch. Good job though.
i dont thinkthis will be as good as the other one i mean in the older 1 u could go in side the house and get plasma grenades
When you go to the doors on the houses, do they "open" and bring you into the house or are they just for decoration?