Sandbox Gallox

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by XxXShabutieXxX, Mar 4, 2009.

  1. R0FLninja

    R0FLninja Ancient
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    this looks like a great map, good aesthetics and great map layout, this is probably pretty good for oddball and maybe sum 1 sided CTF, it depends how fast you can get from base to base, if its fast, i might recommend sum 3v3 tank flag or sumthing.

    good forging 5/5 just like almost every other sandbox map that has been made
  2. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    seemed imbalanced and unfun when i played, but i only played slayer.
  3. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Lol Titmar spam. And unbalanced? Everything at one base is mirrored on the other. Maybe your team just sucked lol

    Anyway, I had a forge through and I may have found a way to get you two start points for Territories. The weapon holders you have holding up the spartan laser and the sniper rifle are not really needed there. They don't match your map to well and you can just lay the weapons down on the path just as easily. Doing this does open things up for a well placed grenade to launch them off the map, but that could be used as a tactic in game and if it accidentally gets knocked off well, that can happen with any weapon.

    Up to you if you want to do that or not though.
  4. XxXShabutieXxX

    XxXShabutieXxX Ancient
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    After I saved I went back in and deleted like 10 boxes and it still wouldn't let me put starting points down for Territories. It's not an Money Balance issue I think it's a glitch. I don't think I can put another single object down unless it is already placed on the map. It's kinda weird. So I really can't do much in the way of fixing territories. But hey King of the Hill still works even though I haven't played it yet (minus a 1v1 local match with my brother) I bet Crazy King would be loads of fun.
  5. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Really? Weird. Well I saved the 'fixes' I did to it to get the start points down so if you want it just let me know.

    Gamer tag is The Texan83
  6. XxXShabutieXxX

    XxXShabutieXxX Ancient
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    Really? How did you do it or did it just let you do it? I tried tons of things and it would not let me place anything else.
  7. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    It just let me. I tried right at the start to spawn the start points and yea got nothing. So I looked around for anything that could be deleted but not hurt gameplay or the aesthetics. Saw the weapon holders so deleted those. Then I could place the start points.

    Can't give you the map for at least another two weeks though. My Xbox disk drive decided it didn't like reading disks any more so it quit without even a two weeks notice.
  8. Z O IMI B I E

    Z O IMI B I E Ancient
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    I really like how the entire map is floating. Not just because its in the sky bubble but because YOU went the step further to make the gap between where the player plays and the death barrier much larger.

    Things like that prove you taken the time, just as you said. Really impressed. I know that wasn't easy either...Goood JOB!
  9. XxXShabutieXxX

    XxXShabutieXxX Ancient
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    That sucks about your xbox. but I tried deleting everything possible and still absolutely no luck on getting it to work. I'll go back and try to delete some stuff again if I can get the start points to work I'll update this post and the first post. Thanks for the advice man. And thanks for the comments

    I have a map in my head right now that I'm really excited about. It should be very unique and done within a couple of weeks. It is a little like this map so if you people liked this one you will like the next one also. And I'm finally getting Sandbox forging down pretty good.

    And if anyone has figured out how to stop the floor glitch thing a PM would be nice =) It's the biggest annoyance on Sandbox without a doubt.
  10. STWOW

    STWOW Ancient
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    Very balanced fun to play and a work of art, only maybe merge the weapon holders because they don't fit with sandboxes desert feel. 4.997876573645432567354/5

    Thumbs up
  11. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    He actually didn't. The objects that extend below the playing surface are below the grid lines in forge mode. Still a very good job. Aesthetics like that are what make the map to me, as well as some fairly solid gameplay.

    I'll try and head over to my workmates place tomorrow night so I can at least put the map I made the changes on in my fileshare for you.

    EDIT: Got my Xbox working again so I've put the map I did the edits on, in my file share.
    Here's the link:
    I've placed the start points for Territories in the lower levels of the base just up from the banshee spawn. Let me know when you've got it and I'll remove it from my file share.
  12. XxXShabutieXxX

    XxXShabutieXxX Ancient
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    Hey thanks a ton man. I have it on my Q for DL but I can't get on my xbox until later tonight. So I'll just copy it to my Fileshare.
  13. tehUBERn00blet

    tehUBERn00blet Ancient
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    It looks beautiful, but it seems to exposed to play comfortably on.
    Hey, but don't listen to me. I've never even finished a good map...
  14. LaWnGoose

    LaWnGoose Ancient
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    I just made an account to say this map looks as thouhg it plays extremely well. I'll definitely be giving it a spin later.
  15. grubish360

    grubish360 Ancient
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    Wow, this looks like a very amazing and fun map. I like the side structures. I will surely download this and play it with my friends.

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