Introduction Hello. (Hooray for generic topic name!)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Filup Cat, Mar 14, 2009.

  1. Filup Cat

    Filup Cat Ancient
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    Hello, my name is Filup Cat. If you've made it this far into my introduction, I know you can read. The reason I chose this username is because it's my gamertag. The reason I chose Filup Cat as my gamertag is because of an inside joke with one of my friends and because I like cats.

    the reason I joined Forge Hub is because I've been using it for a month or two now to get forged maps. I decided a might as well register here if I use it so much. I'm also interested in sharing some of my screenshots and (hopefully) getting better at forging.

    My major hobby is...playing video games. Shocker, eh? I usually play Halo Wars, Halo 3 (duh), random arcade games, and Call of Duty: World at War occasionally. My other hobbies include watching American football and playing unorganized games of American football with my friends, playing with my cats, and blowing off homework.

    I am a fourteen year old boy and live in Wisconsin. That's about all I plan on saying about myself.

    I hope to have a good time on Forge Hub and I'm glad the people here seem so welcoming. I'm hoping to get better at the 'artistic' aspects of Halo 3, such as forging and taking screenshots. Also, I think ODSTs are realllllly cool.
    #1 Filup Cat, Mar 14, 2009
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2009
  2. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    Your intro's totally fine.
    I nearly thought Football was soccer for a sec there, me being English! (You guys have such silly words.) How an football can be informal though? Then again, I've never played.

    Forging 101 and the Screenshot Forum will be great for all your needs lol ;p
    Check out the Rules first though, it's more than advised, especially with the new infraction system.

    Enjoy your time here and we'd love to see what you've got.
  3. Filup Cat

    Filup Cat Ancient
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    Yeah, I agree that football is a completely inappropriate name for the sport. By informal I meant unorganized and not on a team. I've edited it to make things a bit clearer.
  4. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I have pretty much the same thing with basketball...I play with the team fairly often (though I'm not tall really..5'8, but I shoot pretty well) but I'm too busy with Halo to want to be on it ;D

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