I know there's a lot of Chicagoans that are FH members, and I just thought this would be an interesting debate to post. So, this year the Sears Tower, Chicago's most well-known landmark, will lose its name and become the Willis Tower due to British Insurance company Willis Group Holdings, Ltd. buying out office space paying almost $15 per square foot. Who ever owns the most square feet of the building then gets to change the name of the building to their company's name. What are your thoughts on this, FH? Of course, all are welcome to post, regardless of where you live. It's the SEARS Tower. Petition To Save the Name! -Here's a site where you can sign a petition that's against the name change.
It's a commercial building, so the owners can do with it as they please. I hate to see the building lose its iconic name, but there really isn't much that can be done.
Personally, I think it's ridiculous that a well known landmark's name can be changed as easily as that. Hopefully the company will come to its senses and realize that Chicago wants the building to remain the Sears Tower. We've already lost a few well known building's from companies taking over such as Marshall Fields and Comiskey Park. It's sad to see some of Chicago's charm being lost... despite them having commercial ties. If the day ever comes when they rename Wrigley Field, I shall quit life.
Us English are slowly taking over your country you know? Gaining back what is rightfully ours. Lol. Anyway, back on topic, I think this is a disasterous idea. Sears Tower is much more of a catchy name and it's the name, of all things which really influences people. I think the tower will lose (a little) popularity if the name change goes ahead. You do have to look at Willis' point of view though. Yes they will own most area, but to carry on in business, it's what they have to do. If you have a famous landmark with your name bound across it, people are bound to recognise you, thus is where business tactics come into place. To sumerise their point, it's just business. To me, the one thing that business (Willis Insurance for this matter) lacks, is heart. They will have taken into account the pros and cons of the name change - but not entirely peoples feelings. In my opinion, it's a bit of a mistake for the company to do this because of the familiarity of the Tower already, but things do change. You don't realise how much you love something until it is gone.